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Monster name: Llu

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Monster name: Llu

Habitat: Earth

Length: 2 - 15 meters (averaging 7 meters)

History: The ilu is a large plesiosaur-like sea creature that is the direhorse of the Earth oceans, fulfilling a biological role similar to that of a Terran dolphin.

Anatomy and Behavior: Sleek and lithe aquatic reptilian specimen with a long neck, six flippers and rudder-like tail, closely resembling Earth's extinct plesiosaur species. Four eyes and two kuru/queue antennae-like neural whips extending from its temples. Most observed coloration is a dark upper body splotched with colorful markings and a white underbelly.

The ilu is intelligent, sociable, and easily domesticated. It serves the reef clans, including the Metkayina, like direhorses serve the Na'vi clans of the forests, jungles and plains. They are as common in the ocean as ikran are in the sky and can be found in groups near the settlements of oceanic Na'vi clans.

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