Brute Shark

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Monster Name: Brute Shark

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Monster Name: Brute Shark

Habitat: Earth

Species: Sea Monster

Length size: unknown

History: the Brute Shark is one of the most dangerous and aggressive predators in the planet of earth.

Anatomy: The Brute Shark has a streamlined body that is mostly grey in color. The body features two large wing-like fins on each side. In some areas, bright yellow-colored bands adorn its body; on the snout, behind each fin, and one behind each of the eyes that continue until they meet on the back. It has a small dorsal and pelvic fin, but lacks a caudal fin entirely.

The head has two white pupil-less, side-mounted eyes that fit into shallow recesses in the head just behind the mouth. The mouth itself appears to be composed of a distinctly thicker layer of tissue to the rest of the body, possibly being bony plates. Its jaws are filled with sharp teeth, seven pairs on the upper jaw and six pairs on the lower, for a total of twenty-six.

Appearance: The Brute Shark is a medium-sized predatory species that seems to take design inspiration from rays in the case of its wings, sharks for general body shape, and behaviour. The head bears a lot of similarities to reconstructions of the extinct Gorgonopsians.

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