Season Opener

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Two months. Sixty days. Two full months back in the great state of Texas surrounded by his family and just in time for Longhorn football season. Maverick let him off easy to get this much time, but most of the Dagger Team was getting time off after the uranium mission.

Jake was just picking up his bag from the luggage pickup when he heard a familiar shrill and a set of arms around his legs.

"You're home!" The soft voice cried out from a three-foot-tall blonde cutie.

Jake quickly turned and scooped up his niece, giving her a tight hug. Shrieks of laughter poured from her as she wrapped her arms around her uncle.

"How's my favorite niece doin'?" Jake asked resting her in one arm on his hip as he rolled his suitcase towards his younger sister and mother who were running to catch up to Elizabeth, his niece.

"I made you this. We drew cows in class today!" She exclaimed, her blonde pigtails bouncing as Jake continued to stride towards his mother.

"Looks like Bevo! Hi Mama. Hi Mary." Jake pointed out, as his mother came around to hug him.

"Hi. I swear every time I see you, you're taller somehow." Mary teased reaching out to help get Elizabeth back on her own two feet.

"It's cause he never stops eating. I have to stock up like I'm feeding a small army whenever he comes home." His mother complained as Jake shrugged and followed his family out to his mother's SUV. It was covered in mud and hadn't seen a car wash in days.

"Mama... how did you let Bessy get this filthy?" Jake whined as he helped strap Liz into her car seat, shrugging off his sister when she offered to take over. "I got her."

"You know how it is during the summer. I can barely find time to get my hair done, let alone run through a car wash." She sighed as Jake moved to sit in the driver's seat. Happy to let his mother and sister relax while he drove.

"I'll take her out and get her all shiny again," Jake promised as he started up the white tank-like vehicle and started the trip back to the family ranch.

"I see you got tanner since last I saw you." His mother teased patting his cheek as she watched out the window.

"And thinner..." Mary added poking his side. Jake swatted her hand away with a grin as they pulled up to a stop light.

"It's what all the ladies like out there ma," Jake explained as he pulled on his beloved sunglasses.

"Speaking of ladies...." Mary started, leaning into the armrest between Jake and their mother.

"No. No speaking of ladies. Ma you try this every time I'm home." Jake sighed knowing where this speech was going.

"And eventually my plan will work." She smiled. Jake just shook his head and turned onto the highway to head to the ranch.

Jake smiled seeing the metal arch with his family's name spanning across it, signaling the start of the long driveway up to the main house. He pressed the gas pedal down more, wanting to get to it sooner.

Up ahead, he could see a black chevy truck rolling toward him.

"Who's that?" Jake asked, knowing his dad always had a red truck and Mama had Bessy.

"Oh, that's Miss Armstrong. She's Liz's riding instructor. Dad likes to have her find horses for him." Mama answered shrugging as she was getting her stuff together to get out of the car.

"Dad lets someone find horses for him?" Jake asked, surprised his father would let that job fall on anyone but himself.

"Yeah. They got into a bidding war over a mare. Ended up letting her win but only if she let him breed to it. The damn thing went on to win at the reining comp last year. Ever since Dad likes to call her to find horses. She's a sweetheart. I think he just likes to talk horses with someone." Mama explained as Jake parked the SUV up by the house and got out.

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