Controlled Chaos

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Four Weeks Remaining
As soon as you entered the bar, you could hear the whispers floating around you both. But you were determined to enjoy one night out in public with your boyfriend.

I heard she's only with him because of his father
What does he see in that snitch?
She's going to steal the win again this year...
Daddy is probably paying off the judges again...
Why is he with her? I'm better lookin' than her

Jake was sure his jaw was about to snap in half from all the clenching he did. His anger was boiling under his skin, ready to explode like a volcano.

Every place he took you, someone had something to say. The coffee shop, the gas station, the local bar, and the grocery store. They all had something to whisper under their breath, a point at you, and side-eye him. The only relief you two had gotten was in an entirely different town three hours north of here. You and Jake had been making a point of spending more time together after your sunset declarations.

"I'm sorry you have to be around me..." You would mumble, your eyes cast to the ground, tears starting to well in your eyes.

"Darlin'... Let me say somethin... I'll make it the last thing they say." Jake would offer and it would just take one teary-eyed look from you and a hand on his arm to stop him from pursuing his angry thoughts.

"Let's not add fuel to the fire. We know the source of it... eventually something else more scandalous will happen." You would say, hoping it would be true deep down.

The final straw was the local bar, the Neon Cactus. You and Jake had just gotten your drinks and filed your way into the piano bar, finding a spot at the second level.

"Told you the cowboy hat would work." Jake pointed out as you sipped your long island iced tea.

"Maybe... I wouldn't keep our hopes up yet. It's just your cowboy hat. Not sure it's totally hiding my face." You answered, slightly boasting that you were wearing Jake's cowboy, his family's logo in the little belt around the main part of it. Trying to lay low but still enjoy being on a date.

"Though I think you forgot one crucial Texas etiquette " Jake whispered, leaning in to brush some of your loose hair off your shoulder, his lips grazing over your bare shoulder from your blouse.

"And what would that be?" You asked raising a brow with a smile.

"Wear the cowboy hat... ride the cowboy..." Jake's grin was a mile long and the quick flash of something in his eyes told you he was toeing the line with you. His hand patting his jean-covered thigh.

You watched his face for a moment before climbing to sit on his lap, feeling a little silly but you were not the only cowgirl up on a stud this evening.

"Good girl..." Jake praised as you relaxed into him as the melodies from the Piano Man started to get louder, signaling his little show was about to begin.

One day, maybe you'd tell Jake that the little praise shot straight to your core, maybe.

"I do aim to please..." You smirked as you glanced over your shoulder at Jake, whose face was beaming with pride as other cowboys gave him a nod.

"I bet you do, Darlin' " Jake's arm wrapped around your waist, pressing another kiss to your shoulder.

The piano bar was always your favorite place to relax on a Friday night, and now you got to experience it with Jake. Wanting one last moment of peace before the chaos of the state fair prep began. It was just looming over the horizon.

It had only been a few songs before you suddenly heard a voice that made you dig your nails into the old wooden table.

"Well if it isn't Miss Goodie-Two-Shoes and her soldier..." Naomi called out as she and a few other girls you recognized as other buckle bunnies in her close circle approached you and Jake.

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