Equine 101

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"...SOLD to the gentleman back there!" Jake gestured in victory as you smiled as he gave you your hands back. Chuckling a little as you dropped your head in defeat.

"Nice work, son. I look forward to seeing what she does with that colt" Loyd commented looking back at you both as you nodded.

"Hey now... this is my horse..." Jake joked and Loyd chuckled with an expression that said 'Sure it is...'

"We better start getting the trailer ready. We can go pick up the other two." You offered, waiting until they were switching out horses before you leaned back down to Loyd. "I would love to see that filly sometime. Thanks for the company, Mr. Loyd." You smiled as Loyd patted your knee before you and Jake left the area.

It took some weaving before you were able to find the checkout table to pay for the horses. Jake arranged to pay for the mare and filly while you paid for his horse and Jake's dad's colt.

After signing the checks for the horses that were purchased, you and Jake started to work on finding the horses. But first, you wanted to get the trailer ready so it would be easier on the horses later. You opened up the back of the truck and grabbed a few lead ropes, handing them to Jake to hold on to.

"Are you excited?" Jake asked as he could see you practically sprinting to find the filly and mare.

"Very. I hope your dad likes the pick I made for him." You answered finding the pen of the first mare and filly.

"Hello, little one..." You cooed as you slowly walked in and started to work on getting a halter on the mother.

"Do we need to put a halter on the baby?" Jake asked as you opened up the gate and started to lead the mother.

"Not really, she'll follow mama. Just stay with her just in case she gets lost." You explained.

Jake stayed back and chuckled watching the filly chase after the two ladies. Every time Jake laid a hand on her rump, she'd rear back and try to kick him.

"Little firecracker this one..." Jake joked and you glanced back before nodding.

"She is a chestnut... they always have an attitude." You explained with a smirk.

Before you got too close to the trailer you started wrapping the lead rope up into a tighter circle so you could use the other hand but peeked at Jake before handing him the rope.

"Just hang tight, I need to drop the ramp for the foal." You ordered before climbing up into the trailer and gently dropping the ramp.

Which caused the little foal to skitter away and hide behind her dam. Jake chuckled a bit before trying to reach out to pet her, only to be met with another buck.

You giggled before undoing the few bales of hay in the back and spreading them throughout the trailer to make it a bit comfier.

"Do you have a horse? Like a favorite?" Jake asked realizing you hadn't talked much about yourself.

"I do. I have the mare I bought out from under your dad last year and a stallion." You explained lifting your ball cap to wipe the sweat from your brow before hopping down and taking the lead rope from Jake.

"When do I get to see you in the saddle?" Jake asked as he watched you gently lead the mom into the trailer.

"Soon. Jake just take a step back. The little girl isn't happy that mama is in here and she's nervous." You explained as you finished tying the mare up but the filly wasn't so sure about following just yet.

Jake took a step back, smiling as the filly side-eyed him before walking up into the trailer. Tucking herself beside the mare opposite of you. Jake could hear you gently talking to the pair as you closed the divider, blocking them into the back of the trailer.

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