Enemy Territory

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Six Weeks Remaining
"You want to go to the Texas versus TCU game this weekend? You want to step into enemy territory?" You questioned pausing your grooming work on Jet.

"It's a few counties over, so we'd have to drive. We can't go anywhere here without someone talkin' out their rears about us. We would get some looks for being Longhorns, but that's nothin new. " Jake sighed as he stuck another toothpick in his mouth as he watched you brush through Jet's tail.

"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to be the minor celebrity in the town just because we are together." You huffed, working on a tuff tangle at the end.

"Darlin'... is there somethin you aren't telling me? Is there a reason everyone's talkin' about us?" Jake asked as he leaned on the stall door.

"You know how the rumor mill works. All it takes is a little spark and it can turn into a wildfire in no time." You huffed as you finished brushing and moved to work on his mane.

"What fire did you spark?" Jake asked keeping his eyes trained on you.

"I saw Naomi give her horse a shot of something in its neck at the fair last year. It makes the muscles look better and makes them hang their head low. Something that is strictly against the rules. So I went and told the officials, worried for the horse. Naomi lost to me and told the town I was paying off the officials. Doesn't matter that she broke the rules, she got the story out first to her mama... and well here we are. It's state fair time again and it's world war three all over again." You explained finally pausing your actions to look over to Jake, maybe for some comfort. Or maybe for something else.

"Is that why you won't let me take you to the bars in town? Or the restaurants?" Jake asked and you nodded.

"It's all I can hear. A rumor is thrown back in my face every time I'm in public. It's why I just keep to myself. Perks of a small town I suppose..." You huffed walking over to grab the curry comb from the basket.

Jake's hand shot out and grabbed yours gently before you could walk too far. Pulling you back to him so you would hear him.

"As long as I'm around, no one is going to speak a word of it to you. If they do, I'll make sure it's the last thing they say to my girlfriend." Jake's jaw was clenched and his brows furrowed, giving you his best serious face. But all you could do was smile.

"Girlfriend? When did I rank up?" You teased leaning on the stall door, and looking up at him with a smile. Of course, his changed quickly as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips again.

"It's what Mary calls you. And Mama. And Loyd. So I figured might as well make it official, Darlin." Jake smirked holding you tight as you blushed.

"Would we just drive up for the game? We'd have to leave early." You asked starting to run the curry comb in big circles over Jet's hindquarters. His sunburnt coat started to loosen the fur as you worked.

"Well... I was thinkin' " Jake started as he glanced around the barn, not quite wanting his mama to hear if she was close by.

Once the coast was clear, he grabbed the loops of your jeans and yanked you back to him. Pinning you against the stall door with his strong arm and his chin resting on your shoulder.

"Maybe I'd book us a honeymoon suite so we can spend an evening together... Take you out to a nice restaurant. And then take you back to the hotel room and see if those riding skills transfer over..." He whispered, his lips trailing over your exposed neck, turning your brain into complete mush.

"Jake..." You were almost ashamed at the plea rolling off your lips as he found a soft spot on your neck. You swallowed heavily, trying to gain some confidence to turn and face Jake to say anything.

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