Chapter 4: Half of an Eventful Day!

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   I woke up to a familiar smell, though I was too tired to figure it out yet. I sat up and yawned. Wish started to lick my cheek which made me giggle. I opened my eyes and examined the world around me. I saw my room the way it normally was. I looked at the time and found that I had slept in, it was 11 am. I looked over to look in the mirror.

My hair looked like I put my head in a blender. I got up and went to the bathroom that connected to my room. I brushed out my hair and curled it, then I put on a black turtleneck with black dress pants. I wanted to put on something purple but all of my purple clothing was dirty. Same with my blue, white, and other colors of clothing. I needed to do my laundry.

I almost left the bathroom when I saw a small purple box with a red bow tied to it. It wasn't there before. I got curious and saw a little note attached to it. I carefully flipped it over and inspected the writing on the note. I quickly recognized Magnus's beautiful handwriting.

I hope you had a good night's rest! And Hopefully you had no nightmares. I know you probably wanted to wear something purple today, but judging on what you've been wearing, those purple clothes might all be dirty. So I have two little surprises for you this morning. Put on the contents in this box and come to the kitchen!

I hope you like the gift My Love ~

-Love MJ

PS: I think this will really bring out your eyes!

As I finished reading the note my heartbeat increased. I smiled warmly and carefully unwrapped the red bow and took the top off of the box. As I gazed into the box I gasped! Inside were two beautiful earrings with my favorite crystals encrusted on what looked like the gold colored metal piece. Amethyst. Under them was a matching necklace with an Amethyst crystal in the middle that was in the shape of a heart. The chain of the necklace was also colored gold. I quietly squealed and quickly put the earrings on. I gazed at myself in the mirror, awed at how Magnus was right. The purple and gold color variation really brought out my eyes. I smiled. I was about to put on the necklace when I realized something.

Where did he get these and how much did they cost?

Magnus had a habit of buying things that were way overpriced. Especially when it came to buying me something.

I finished up in the bathroom and held the necklace in my right hand as I marched to the kitchen. I stopped in the middle of the hallway when I smelled a familiar scent that made my mouth water. Smoked Maple Bacon. I had then realized what the other 'little' surprise was. Magnus was also good at cooking, but he always let me be the lead chef in the kitchen. Letting me work my heart away in the kitchen, doing what I loved.

I took in another whiff of the food he might have been making. Other than the bacon I smelled the sweet scent of pancakes, fried potatoes, and biscuits. I continued my march into the kitchen to confront him.

I hated it when he spent large amounts of money on me. I never really liked being the center of attention or being the one to feel special. The only times I am ever okay with it is either on my birthday or if I was ever in a close relationship. Even if I was in a relationship like that I would still feel slightly uncomfortable with it. And I am never sure if I would ever find someone special like that. Magnus is the only one I feel that could be that special. But I am still not even sure if we could ever be anything more than close friends, let alone if he even feels the same...

I shook out the thoughts from my head as I turned to face the kitchen where I saw Magnus finishing on making pancakes and whipping up some homemade whipped cream with a mix of berries inside.

He finished making the last pancake when he turned around and looked up to see me. He gave me his warm smile. I so desperately wanted to smile back, but I could tell that he knew exactly what I was going to do. And he knew that his smile always gets to me. So I instead put on a stern face and crossed my arms.

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