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A/N- These are just fluffshots of these two lmao. oh and Tsutako thirdwheeling lmao


Morning hugs

Giyuu's POV ,AGAIN

I was making breakfast for us when I heard footsteps, I assumed it was Tsutako since she always woke up earlier than Sabito or me, but since I had to make breakfast I had to wake up a bit earlier, so I just normally greeted, not taking my eyes off the cooking.

"Morning sis"

"Wrong guess" Sabito wrapped his arms around my neck and just stayed there.

"Oh shit, I didn't think you'd be up this early" I cleaned my hands and turned around to face him.

"I figured you'd be up this early" He hugged me properly, he sounded really tired.

"Love you should get back to bed, you sound really tired" I turned around again so I could keep making breakfast while he was clung on me, hugging me.

"I don't wanna sleep without you" He hugged me tighter and I couldn't help but smile.

"Clingy much" I started serving the breakfast, or well, I tried to.

"I'm not clingy! I just wanna spend time with you!" He pouted, letting go of me and sitting down.

While eating breakfast, Sabito and I were just locking eyes every now and then, that's how our morning goes every day


A/N- Yay first fluffshot done


Midnight Cuddles

Sabito's POV

It was raining since the afternoon and I personally don't like rain. Yuu was dead asleep next to me, I didn't have the heart to wake him up just to tell him to cuddle with me, so I just tried to ignore the fact it was thundering and tried to keep sleeping, well I failed at that and ended up shaking due to the thundering, I guess I must've woken Yuu up because he turned around to face me.

"Why are you shaking? Are you scared?" He said, in between yawns.

"N-No! Ofcourse not!" I quickly answered, getting a bit embarrassed.

"Don't worry my love, I'm just joking" He laughed, then I noticed he got a bit closer to me.

"Can we...hmm, can we-" I tried to ask him for cuddles, but I suck at those things.

"Can we what? Hug? We're already hugging" He said, really confused.

"W-well, can we.. can we cuddle? I don't like rain or thunder, so please..?" I finally managed to stutter, and he merely chuckled.

"Of course we can you little idiot" He said, acomodading his head below my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist, and I wrapped mine on his arms.

I actually slept after, I guess it was the comfort of him being next to me.



Giyuu's pov

" I'm home! " I happily said, going inside the house and hoping to see Sabito.

" Welcome home Giyuu " Tsutako greeted, looking at her phone.

" He's still asleep, isn't he? " I asked, resting on the wall.

" Yeah, he's in the bedroom, I suggest you go check up on him "

" I will! Thanks sis! " I ran to our bedroom and I can't say I was surprised, Sabito was indeed sleeping.

I'm starting to get worried, but I'm sure he's just tired, right...? I thought to myself as I walked to the bed and sat down. I just stared at him for some minutes before I started playing with his hair until I heard him yawn.

" What time is it..? " He asked in a sleepy tone.

I checked my phone, " 4:35pm, it's been 4 hours since you started to sleep "

" Woah, 4 hours? Damn, I guess I really am tired " He gave a little chuckle before getting up and sitting down next to me.

" Why are you tired, anyway? "

" I don't know, it's not normal for me to be tired so easily " He answered, putting his head on my shoulder.

" As long as you're not feeling sick or anything, you can sleep for as long as you want " I smiled.

" Thanks, but I think it's for a very dumb reason actually " He laughed.

" What's the reason? " I asked.

" Because I didn't drink coffee this morning " he started laughing out of the blue and he almost fell off the bed.

" Seriously!? Because of that reason? " I said, in between laughs.

" Yeah, gomenne, I didn't think it'd affect me this much " He got comfortable again and we kept talking.

Jeez, I didn't think he'd be that tired just because he didn't drink coffee.

A/N: Yes, that can actually happen to some people. It happened to me lol.

Apologies if this is too short, but I'm writing another long one, so have these 3 stories in the meantime!!

~ L

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