Alternate Ending by anky0909

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Hey guys! So, I hosted an Alternate Ending contest and guess who won it? anky0909! This is all hers, I have just starred out parts of the cuss words because, me being me, I don't really cuss. But sometimes, I agree, it does make a book better!

So, here is her entry!

(PS - If you would like to see her original copy without the words starred out, it will be in the external link, along with the youtube video she was talking about in her A/N! Enjoy, because I know that I did.(:)


A/N: By no means are any of these characters mine. They all belong to AllTimeeLowLovr - the awesome writer who created this story.

The first part (which are in italics) are copyrighted by AllTimeeLowLovr as well, but the rest that are just in plain writing/typing or whatever you want to call it is copyrighted by me and me only :)

The youtube video was made by ChiaratjjxTH. It's not the official video but it's a good interpretation of the song.

So, happy reading :D


Chapter Twenty Two (FINAL) - Liam?

Arrogant boy
Love yourself so no one has to
They're better off without you
(They're better off without you)
Arrogant boy
Cause a scene like you're supposed to
They'll fall asleep without you
You're lucky if your memory remains

Therapy - All Time Low


I sat there, not even able to quiver in fear as my sister came at me with her large knife. Soon she was close up to me, her nose about an inch from mine,  the knife one millimeter from puncturing the place between my jaw and neck. She smiled like she was on the worst and best crack of all time, but her eyes were on fire with a mix between hatred and amusement.

Finally, after seemingly allowing the fear sink deep enough into me, she asked loudly, "Khloe Main. Answer my questions correctly and I won't let you bleed to death right this very second, okay?" I barely nodded, the knife slightly scraping across my sensitive skin. I consumed my hiss of pain within my throat, keeping my hold. "Great." Her breath reeked of peppermint mixed with her favourite Strawberry Jelly Belly's, and a hint of...just plain evil. "Do you love Liam Mathers?"


I glanced over at Liam, who was looking suspiciously calm. He saw me glancing over and caught my eye. We stared at each other for a while before the contact was broken by my sister who had moved around, keeping the knife poised on my flesh. "Answer me," she demanded, breaking into the skin on my neck, preparing for it to go deeper. "Do you love him?"

"I-I-I can't answer you," I rasped.

"And why can't you?" my sister questioned. The blade of the knife was becoming increasingly more likely to enter my flesh. I quivered.

"Because I can't think with that knife in my bloody neck!" I yelled. "I mean, it's not very helpful when I'm trying to gather my thoughts and a knife is in your neck..." I rephrased after seeing the malicious intent glimmering behind her eyes. "Just give me some time to think. Please Jessica. Just think of it as payback for all these years of being sisters..." Even if you are some psychotic freak, I thought.

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