That Game We Call High School(2)

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That Game We Call High School

Chapter Two

The Way Life Is


Have you ever known life to be easy, or simple in any way or form? Even if it's simple grabbing a chip out of the bag.. You're still using multiple muscles to grab it.

Nothing is simple in life.



Lunch time. What a joy. Yeah, not really. No friends during fifth period lunch. Well, okay, one. But Cat normally spends lunch in the library. Maybe I should be smart and do the same, but, I'm not. Running away from the shame and embarrassment isn't going to make it go away. It might actually make it worse, facing it for the first time after a while of running away. But, if you're always around it, then you grow used to it and it doesn't phase you.

After getting my lunch - Turkey sub sandwich in saran wrap, orange juice in a bottle, french fries in a sealed up carton - I began walking to my table. The cafeteria was noisy, letting my silence slide by unknown. Or, normally it would. Until my foot came from underneath me, making me trip. See, this is why I get the same kind of lunch every day. Where every thing's sealed and if I do get tripped, nothing would spill or anything.

Looking up, I saw that my sister was the one who tripped me. Not a big surprise But.. Half of her was blurry.. Oh my gosh! I lost a contact! Cursing my sister under my breath, I stood up, got my food, and went over to my little table by the window. Quickly, I decided that I couldn't go all day seeing things like this. So, I took my other contact out and flicked it into the garbage can nearby. Doesn't matter, those pair were about to expire soon anyways. But.. Then another matter faced me.

I would have to wear my glasses. In school. In front of everyone who mocked me and teased me. Just giving them that more of a reason to. Groaning for the third time that day, I got my spare pair of glasses out of my bag. The frames were black and plastic. Not that bad, but, still. 

Finishing my lunch quickly, I dumped it and put up my tray, then began racing out of the cafeteria and to my next class. Well - to my locker first. Once I had everything I needed for afternoon classes, I slung my bag over my shoulder, and sped to Spanish. Being the first one in there, as always, I sent a small smile to Ms. Gondolas, and went to sit in my seat at the very back of the room. 

"Hola, Ms. Main." Ms. Gondolas spoke to me from her desk. 

"Hola, Ms. Gondolas." Thought, it sounded really weird saying it. Considering, the teacher was Spanish, so saying 'Hola' was normal for her. But, with an American accent, saying 'Hola' and her name.. Sounded a bit strange.

After the first bell rang, everyone began filing in, talking to their friends, sitting on desktops. When the warning bell rang, they all sat down and faced the front of the class. "Good afternoon, class.." She began, but I totally blanked out. Like I do every Spanish class. Spanish was a bit too easy for me, but, I took the class anyways. Just to have a zoning-out period. 

When the bell rang, signaling the end of class, I practically jumped in my seat. My mind had been wondering in to a land of "what ifs". Like - what if I was popular? If my siblings never existed? What it would be like if I wasn't picked on weekly, or even daily.. What then?

Grabbing my things, I trudged to seventh period. Ugh, Chemistry. 


Once I got home, I slammed my bedroom door, threw my bag against the wall, and lay face-first into my bed, crying. Seventh period Chemistry was officially the worst. I had been partnered with Liam Mathers, the player of the school. As soon as I was about to sit on the stool beside him, he yanked it out from under me, making me fall on my butt, onto the tile floor. Let me tell you, it hurt! Then, when I was trying to get up, he spilt some milk onto my head, making me want to puke. No, I'm not lactose intolerant or anything. Milk just makes me gag. Clutching my stomach, I was going to the front of the room to ask the teacher for a nurse and bathroom pass.

But, instead of letting me walk the isle of humiliation, Liam had to add onto it. He stuck his leg out into the isle, making me fall face-first onto the floor. Which caused a nose bleed and me busting my bottom lip. Oh, and my only pair of glasses broke when the flew off and Liam stomped on them

High school sucks. Why wont it just end already? Oh yeah: 'Cause it's only my second year.

My phone vibrated from underneath me. Through watery eyes, I looked at the screen. New Message from Calypso: What happened during seventh period, Khlo?

Sniffing, I clicked on her name, calling her, and waited for her to answer. "Hello?" Her voice was filled with worry and concern. Licking the scar on my bottom lip, since I could no longer bite it until it healed, I ran through everything that went down. The stool, the milk, the trip down to the tile floor.. Everything. By the end of my story, I was sobbing once more. "I'm going to kill him." Calypso spoke with such anger that I could tell she wasn't kidding. 

"Don't kill him." My voice was cracked, my hand trying to wipe away the endless tears pouring from my tear ducts. "Just.. Do something horrible to him." No, I wasn't going to lie. I hated Liam Mathers. He'd tormented me since the first day of high school. Something had to be done about him. Death wasn't the solution, but humiliating him as much as he has me.. That would be nice.

"Already on it." The image of her smiling evilly popped into my mind. Oh, I knew that look and tone of voice by heart. She was serious and wouldn't stop until it ended.

"Thanks so much." My last words rang through right before I hung up. 

My door swung open, making my head jerk up, only to see my sister standing there with an evil scowl on her face.

Today was just not my day.


Yess, short. Just a filler chapter!! ..And I kinda suck at wording things today xD

Don't you just hate Liam?!?! I dooo!!!


PS - What do you think Calypso's going to do?? Comment!

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