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I know I pushed too far.

I know I did.

But I couldn't summon any regret. Not one bit. Even when Grayson shoved her way out of my arms and walked away from me, I didn't feel the tiniest bit of regret.

Now, guilt on the other hand was not in short supply.

I spent the first 10 minutes in the hallway jumping between running my fingers through my hair and pacing, thinking about the horror in Grayson's eyes. Not at what had happened, but at what I had done.

The next 10 minutes were spent sitting on the floor, my back against the same wall that I had trapped Grayson against. The stone was cold, and had chilled me to the bone in seconds. I had stared at my hands, the feel of her tiny body shaking with sobs still fresh in my mind. My stomach clenched so tightly I had nearly puked. Twice.

The following 10 minutes, I tried to wrap my head around what 'L' had said. His voice was haunting my memories, like scraping stones in the back of my head. A voice meant to terrify anyone who had the misfortune of hearing it.

He had said the word mate.

'L' said that he was guessing who Grayson's mate was.

But Grayson didn't have a mate. She was human.

Which meant my suspicions were right. Grayson had a suppressed wolf. And she knew it. And she had a mate.

My heart pulled painfully in my chest. I ground my teeth together and rubbed my chest through my shirt.

She had a mate.

I let my head fall into my hands and I stayed like that until Ryker found me.

We left the school building halfway through the last class of the day. Grayson's bike was long gone and so was she.

Ryker and I had walked straight into the woods and he made me tell him everything from the phone call.

We shifted and sprinted at top speed all the way here.

I shake my big wolfish head and bring myself back to the present. Ryker's black wolf was beside me, both of us low to the ground with our tails tucked in tight. We were just coming up on the weird barrier that surrounded Grayson's house.

"Okay, so you think he is here right now?" Ryker mindlinked me.

I nod. "That's what this 'L' guy said over the phone."

Ryker silently shifts, hiding his human body behind a tree. I follow him, squatting behind the dense foliage. He focuses his brown eyes on me. "I should be able to pick out his scent fairly easily if it's the same guy."

A lump of desperation lodges itself in my throat. "There's no way they are different people. The fear on her face, man. This is our guy."

On our way here, we had filled each other in on our theories. Ryker had told me he managed to get a clear scent off of Grayson, and he would be crucial to identifying the witch bitch that had been interfering with Gray's life.

Ryker nodded and then closed his eyes, focusing on his skill. I felt the air around me shift, currents changing and channeling with Ry's direction.

It was only a moment before Ryker's eyes snapped open and his head whipped behind us. A twig snapped in that direction and I wheeled around, getting ready to shift and tear someone's throat out.

I freeze in my tracks when a mop of blond hair steps into my view.

"Finn?" I say.

He had a bashful look on his face, reaching up and scratching the back of his head. "Sorry. What I got through the pack bond was enough to follow you here. And- and I'm worried about Grayson too." Hurt flashed in his eyes. "I don't care that you have been keeping secrets from me. It's the fact that you're out here doing something to help, and didn't even tell me."

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