Hunger Games plot twist

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For the 75th Hunger Games, not only did the existing pool have to go back in The Hunger Games, they'd pull twice as many tributes that haven't been in the games. Effie went to the girls bucket and picked up the only slip in there. "Katniss Everdeen." Effie went to the boys and picked a slip up. She took a deep breath and whispered. "Haymitch Abernathy." "I volunteer!" Peeta yelled. Katniss was crying. She made chocking noises and hid her face. "Ladies again..." Effie went to the bucket full of slips and picked one. Effie's eyes widened and a tear rolled down her face. "Primrose Everdeen." Katniss let it go. She screamed as loud as she could. Not her little duck. Prim dragged her feet on stage andhugged Katniss tightly. Katniss was choking on hertears as she stroked Prims hair. Effie was already at the boys slips and she read the name, slowly. "Gale Hawthorne." Everybody's mouth dropped open. Effie was crying as she whispered her last line: "Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

Creds to thgplottwists

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