The Maze Runner plot twist

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As Thomas was being pulled away from Teresa's body, he didn't want to go on anymore. Everywhere he went, death followed. But he had no choice. Minho jumped through the Flat Trans and then Brenda. When Thomas turned around to enter the Flat Trans he was suprised by how bright it was. Without a second thought he ran through. At first he was overwhelmed with how white Paradise was. It wasn't scary white, but a calming white. Suddenly a figure came running into view. It was Chuck! "Thomas", he yelled. "Thomas, I found my parents here!" And then Teresa's voice floated over to him. "Tom? Tom, is that you? What's going on?" She then joined him and they both fell on their knees, hugging Chuck tears spilling down their faces. He responded saying, "You're in Paradise. We're all safe here." "We're?" Thomas asked his voice filled with hope. "He's over there." Chuck said nodding his head towards a wide ocean. Suddenly a mop of dirty blonde hair popped out of the water. "Come here, Tommy! The water is fine!" Thomas then realized. He was dead, but he made it to Paradise.

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