Chapter 1

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Dream's POV:

"Moon! Wake up!"

I yelled, slightly shaking my twin brother who now slowly opened his dark violett-blue eyes, unhappy to be woken up. 

"Is it already sunrise?" He mumbled sleepily. 

"Yep!" I announced chipper. He rubbed his eyes grumbling and stood up slowly, trying to adjust himself to the daylight. I made sure he didn't fall while he climbed down the branches to get to the water flask inside our tree house. 

"Anything interesting going on today?" my brother asked, taking small sips of the water. 

"Not as far as I know" I answered after a few seconds of thinking. He muttered something about me waking him up for nothing and then went to change into his daytime clothes. I looked out of the window, down to the forest floor, watching our folk slowly awaking and starting their daily routines. It was a little cloudy today, but it didn't look like it would rain. It was Leaf-fall, so it was starting to get colder and the sun left the sky sooner, making everyone a little more tired than normal. Except my twin who seemed to be better rested than usual. I smiled as I watched Moon fumbling with the black veil to cover his sensitive eyes. I know he hates wearing it, but otherwise the sun would hurt his eyes a lot more. Night-elves just aren't made to live as diurnal beings. 

"Are you coming Dream?" The soft, deep voice of my twin brought me back to reality as he walked past me to the exit of our home. I followed him closely, making sure he doesn't trip, but after 21 Leaf-changes of living here he knows every branch of the tree like the palm of his hand. We quickly descended to the ground and made our way to Violett's home to wait for her. 

"What do you think we'll learn today?" I asked Moon. 

"I don't know, probably more about growing plants" he replied, looking up to the cloudy sky, before suddenly tripping over a small branch. I quickly caught him before anything could happen and after a few seconds of him cursing the forest and whatever squirrel or bird put that branch there we continued our way across the small clearing. Violett, punctual as always, jumped down the last bit of the tree just as we arrived. 

"Good morning Dream, Moon" She greeted us with a nod, then looked around searchingly.
"Have you seen Blue anywhere?" Me and my twin both shook our heads and Violett sighed. 

"He can never be on time, can he?" she said to herself, then leaned on the tree with her arms crossed, staring impatiently in the direction of Blue's home. I looked Violett up and down. I really admire how beautiful she looks with her light purple hair that she always wears in a loose braid that falls just above her waist and the red rose she always seems to have braided into her hair. Her self made pastel pink clothes also look very tidy and comfortable. It's elegant in my opinion. Violett's deep pink eyes met mine and I smiled warmly at my folk-mate and teacher. "Did you sleep well, Dream?" Violett asked. 

"Of course!" I answered, a little nervous. She examined my facial expression and looked slightly annoyed and disappointed, but said nothing. Meanwhile Moon had zoned out next to me. I wondered how long it would take until he would fall asleep when I heard quick footsteps behind me. 

"Greetings Violett, my apologies I took longer than expected", I heard Blue panting as I turned around to watch him sprint towards us. Our teacher, noticeably annoyed, sighed and gestured us to follow her to the edge of our folk's village. 
"Where are Leaf and Silver?" Blue asked curiously. 

"They're with Autumn to continue learning about plants. We're doing something special today which they already did last leaf-change" Violett answered, smirking mysteriously at us, continuing to walk through the forest, further away from our folk's village. I looked at Moon who slowed down his steps, his hand searching for mine. I grabbed his hand and our eyes met as I reassuringly smiled at my twin, who returned my smile. Our little group continued to walk through the forest for a little while, until we arrived at the lake. Violett turned around to us with a cheeky smile. 

"Time to learn how to swim everyone!"

(Author's note: please be patient with updates as they'll come very inconsistently. For those who know me on YouTube you know that I'm pretty busy. Hope you enjoyed the first part of this book ♡)

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