Chapter 2

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Moon's POV:

"Swimming?!" I looked in Dream's direction, vaguely making out the reflection of my own surprise on his face. We've never been swimming before and I don't wanna learn how to swim in the middle of the day when I'm basically blind.

"Indeed. You'll have to learn it some day, it's important to at least be able to keep yourself above water" Violett explains. I look back into the dense forest where the leaves block a lot of the blinding sunlight, then forward to the lake, squinting my eyes at the reflected light.

"I don't like this" I whispered to my twin. He slightly squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"I'm sure it'll be fine" he whispered back. Meanwhile Blue has been excitedly ranting about how fun it was going to be whilst Violett already went knee deep into the water, seemingly waiting for us to follow. Dream nervously took a few steps into the water, carefully dragging me along. I looked down, fighting to see anything, but the bright reflections hurt my eyes way too much. I closed my eyes, clinging to my brother's arm and stumbling a little as a rock moved under my feet.

"Calm down Moon, you'll be fine" Dream reassured me, adjusting his grip to make sure I don't trip again. I smiled thankfully in his direction and he squeezed my hand again. Normally I wouldn't be so scared to learn new things, but this is more than just out of my comfort zone. It's sunhigh, I'm basically blind and the water messes with my balance and makes the ground slippery. I'm just thankful that my brother takes care of me, it's giving me a lot more courage.

"EEK! The water is really cold!" Blue exclaimed roughly a few steps in front of us. I flinched a little at Blue's yell, but my twin continued to determinedly lead my pathetic blind self into the water. I can just imagine the grin on his face, he loves to be the stronger and braver twin during the day, but I'm thankful to have him. The water was reaching almost to our shoulders before Violett started explaining in detail how to keep oneself above water by moving your arms and legs. Unfortunately she seems to also demonstrate how, which I can't see without hurting my eyes. I sighed, annoyed at my own nature. I listen as Blue silently cursed about the cold water while seeming to try and imitate whatever Violett showed him and Dream. My twin carefully let go of me, making sure I was secure enough where I stood. I listened as he moved a little further away from me to start swimming as well. The water wasn't as cold as Blue seems to think, but it's also not very warm, it's manageable in my opinion. I silently stood where my twin left me and focused my senses to try and locate where the others might be.

I heard the giggles of my brother and turned in his direction to ask him how his swimming attempt was going, when I suddenly got pushed hard and fell backwards. With a splash my head was submerged underwater and lost all sense of direction. I panicked and opened my eyes for a split second out of reflex before shutting them again quickly because of the painful light. I paddled disoriented underwater, trying to find the surface again, before I felt the rocky lake-ground with my hand and was finally able to determine where up and down was. With some struggles and my last bit of breath I managed to get my head above the surface and gasped for air. I felt hands around my shoulder that helped me stand secure on the unsteady lake ground and I heard the soft, friendly voice of my twin.

"Are you alright?" I heard the mischief in his voice.

"You just pushed me underwater squirrel-brain! I could've drowned!" I yelled at him exasperated after catching my breath. He snickered.

"You're fine Moon! I would've saved you if you were actually drowning. Calm down" my twin hugged me, brushing the messed up veil and some strands of my hair out of my face. I sighed, a little angry at him for pulling this stunt, but I love him too much to stay mad at him.

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