Mystical influence of Sea

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What is it that we feel the need to come to the sea?
To stand on its shores and to feel the need to be fondled by its waves and breeze?
Is there an invisible cord between our heart and the tides of the ocean?
Are we very much like them, having our own storms and tides within?
Why do we feel cleansed by them when their salt rubs our body and their air sweeps our face?
How does the tempest of this gigantic ocean tame our beast-like temperament?
How does it slaps on our senses and suddenly enhances our awareness of the universe?

What draws us to the boundless sea,
To bask in its embrace, to feel free,
Does an unseen force connect our heart,
To the tides that ebb and flow apart?

Like the ocean, we too have storms,
Within us, tides rise and transform,
And yet, we find solace in its spray,
As it washes our fears away.

The briny air, it kisses our face,
With each wave, it carries our grace,
The ocean's tempest, it tames our rage,
And we find peace in its rhythmic stage.

For in its vastness, we find our place,
And the secrets of the universe we embrace,
As the sea slaps our senses alive,
Our consciousness begins to thrive.

In the end, we are much like the sea,
Wild and free, yet serene and calmly,
And every time we come to its shore,
We find ourselves, and we come home once more.

In the end, we are much like the sea,Wild and free, yet serene and calmly,And every time we come to its shore,We find ourselves, and we come home once more

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