Part 4 -- twist

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Part 4



Sydney rushingly makes calls, texting everyone, teleporting the large cast of characters of their circle to the Legacy. Quick explanations and apologies about disrupting their day.

They have separated Trystin, Remy, and Ciaran from each other. Spencer is making sure they stay in their separate corners. At least until they understood what the Holy Trinity was or what it could be. The only time they'd ever heard of the trinity was when the dark Apocalypse faction from the alternate reality had crossed during their last year at Haven Island.

"Are they all here?" asks Eden from the door of the small room Sydney had ducked into to make calls.

"Almost," says Sydney. Her face a mask of worry. "Do you know what the trinity is? With all the soul mate hunting, I don't think we ran into something called a trinity, other than the other Nephilim coming after Trystin. Is this connected?"

Eden frowns, her dark as night eyes fill with worry, and she is absently rubbing her fingers together. Leaning on the door frame, arms crossing, Sydney watches as she thinks. Eden is like Dathan, eons old, born before time was counted.

"Get everyone here, and maybe Dathan and I can figure this out. It is a bible reference. I would imagine that if someone had seen those words, it would be Abby and Liam. Have you reached Leah?" asks Eden.

"No," says Sydney. "But she said she was going to be out of communication for a while, so I'm not worrying just yet."

Spencer eases around Eden, gives Eden a sweet smile, and wraps her arms around Sydney, kissing her cheek.

"Don't bring Rylee," says Spencer in a soft voice, nuzzling into Sydney's neck.

Sydney frowns, her brow furrowing.

"Why? This is red alert time!" says Sydney, her voice deeper. "You will get your wife all pissed off at you. You cannot protect us from everything, Wheaton. Rylee has thoughts and is smarter about seeing patterns, even when her power isn't working. You have to stop sequestering her. You are not going to put her in a box."

"Emma is here, and someone needs to stay with her grandfather," says Spencer. Sydney gives her a frosty glare. "You already called her and told her, didn't you?"

"I am here," says Rylee from behind Eden. "Spencer Wheaton, keeping me from the action isn't happening."

Eden moves out of the way and disappears, not wanting to get between this threesome. Their dynamic is like nothing she's ever seen before; Spencer is the hub of a fantastic trio and a formidable quintet.

Rylee, her hazel eyes narrowed, hands on her hips, glazes at Spencer.

"A holy fucking trinity and you think I'm going to stay away?" asks Rylee. Her voice is incredulous and heated. Staring at her wife, Spencer. "This is cause for a fight, Spencer! We are married, and this is our mission! When all this is done, we can have a normal life! And you want me to stay away?"

"I was thinking about Harry," says Spencer, her voice level and calm. Her eyes swirl with emotional blue and amber.

"Harry told me to come! He's not dead yet, and Dad will stay with him," says Rylee. "This is important too. HOLY! TRINITY!" Rylee stresses each word with a clap of her hands.

"I told her that, too," says Sydney, walking to Rylee and kissing her cheek. "You know she doesn't listen to me." Sydney slips her hand around Rylee's waist.

Fate Fights - Fate Series 3 - Book 3  (A J*A*D*E*S/s*t*a*r*s novel)Where stories live. Discover now