Part 7 - Circling Around

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Part 7


circling around

Natalie and Jayden arrive at the Legacy, Natalie marching in front of Jayden, who has a suitcase and a backpack in her possession.

"My feet are killing me," mutters Natalie, who is well along in her first pregnancy.

"Could have had Sydney...," begins Jayden, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"No, no, and no," snaps Natalie. "Flying is fine; it just took longer. We can act like normal human beings sometimes, you know, Jayden Wheaton."

"You are so moody," chuckles Jayden. She drops the bags and stretches her back. Jo and Amy are tramping down the stairs and welcome them with open arms. After a lot of hellos and hugs, Jo and Amy lead Natalie and Jayden to the library, where Liam and Abby are already hard at work.

Natalie is quick to sit, and Abby gives her the research on a tablet. A glass of orange juices appears at her left hand, and she absentmindedly takes a sip.

Natalie reads. She looks around for a pad of paper and finds one and a pen. She scribbles notes, for how long, she doesn't know. Brow furrowing, Natalie sighs.

"I need a stand of Elder Oak to power this. Not a tree, but a forest!" snaps Natalie. "That is how, from I understand, the bond was first created. Something about roots of the world."

Liam and Abby are her only company. Jayden, Jo, and Amy had, smartly, left.

"I can get on that," says Liam; he opens up a few other tabs of research and begins to root around for more information. He hums a song as he types. Abby smiles and looks at him adoringly.

"I can tell you where you can find that," says Ciaran from the door. His violet eyes flash brightly, and his voice is deeper than normal. "In the clearing where Lena beat C and where Remy married Stefan. A magnificent stand of Elder Oak resides in a forest in California. I would say a few acres at the very least. The road leading out is lined with them as well."

Natalie's eyes widen at the sight of the recent addition. He is most certainly a Nephilim. Those violet eyes and the white as snow hair, which falls in waves across his left eye.

"So you'd be death," says Natalie softly. Leaning back and turning sideways on the chair.

"I prefer to be called Ciaran, and I definitely do not think I am death, even though in the ranking of the trinity, I may be. Trystin is birth, and Remmiah is rebirth, so I am death. I don't like it, and I won't adhere to a label of such."

"You're thinking death in the traditional sense," says Natalie with a smile. Ciaran walks over; struts is a better word for what Ciaran does. He sits on the top of the chair with his feet on the seat. He faces Natalie Summers and leans in closer.

"I am? Please, then, enlighten me?" whispers Ciaran.

"Mmm-Hmm," says Natalie. "When first humans were born, they thought themselves immortal, then death humbled them. Once they were humbled, they became soulful. In many ways, death separates the soul from the physical body. Leaving them ready for rebirth."

Ciaran's fingers play on the table before him, tips chasing the shards of light thrown on it from the tall windows. Drumming his fingers, he lifts his gaze to Natalie's.

"I am part of the natural cycle; I didn't kill my mother in my birth like Remmiah did," says Ciaran. "I have rarely taken life purposefully. I was raised to value and cherish the fragile human life around me."

Fate Fights - Fate Series 3 - Book 3  (A J*A*D*E*S/s*t*a*r*s novel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora