IX. Mike's Crush

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"Why did you get kicked out anyway?"

Mike stood in the library, running his hand along the spines of the old books. He stopped on a dusty, old book. Pulling it out into his hands.-

"Mike, I knew I'd find you here." Bill stuttered on the little words, like 'here' and 'find'

"Bill, Hey. Why are you here?" Mike asked, keeping the book cupped on his hands.

"Figured I'd just hangout." Bill started. "My dad is pissed at me." He stuttered again. Bill sat down at the nearby table, Mike joined.

"What are you reading?" Bill asked.

"Oh it's nothing, just a book Ben suggested." He said, opening the first few pages. Pictures of the town appeared in different colours and qualities. Mike couldn't help but noice Bill was staring at him.

He wanted to stare back. The silence was comfortable, they flipped through more old pages till a picture came up. It was a picture of the town, but something wasn't right. Something was missing.

"Oh- I didn't realize you boys would be here." A woman's voice interrupted their- tension. Mike and Bill turned to the woman, she was older.

"Yeah, I was just looking for a book." Bill blurted out, Mike looked over at him confused. The woman smiled at Bill, but looked oddly at Mike. She started walking away, luckily. Mike stared at Bill,

"You know you didn't have to do that for me." He nervously scratched his neck.

"Don't worry about it, I know how this shit hole town is." Bill mumbled, stuttering a bit.

Mike laughed quietly, smiling at him. Bill smiled back.

"Boys shouldn't feel that way."

Richie quickly shot their questions down, he started coughing again. The more he thought about Eddie, and his confusing feelings the petals burn more.

"Richie are you okay?" Eddie asked, all the words formed into one. The room spinning, his feelings overwhelmed him.

"Yeah, I just need some air." He ran outside, pushing through everybody. Bill looked at the rest of the Losers.

"Is it just me or is something really off about Richie lately?" Bill asked, the Losers seemed to nod in agreement with each other. Bev sat quietly.

"I think he's just struggling with being home again, this place has a bad effect on people." Beverly mumbled, trying to save him.

"Hey guys, sorry about that." Richie sat back down, everyone in collective silence. He awkwardly laughed, trying to get them to say something.

"Richie, has something been bothering you?" Eddie mumbled, attempting to get some sort of answer.

"Bothering me? Guys I'm fine-"

"Why do I feel this way"

Bill bit the inside of his mouth, Mike just looked at him with eyes he couldn't resist and suddenly the world made sense.

"Mike, I have to talk to you about something." Bill looked around at the empty library, before looking back at him.

"Hm?" Mike replied, running a hand down the table.

"I like-" He stopped, the words wouldn't leave his mouth.

"What do I say?"

"Cut the bullshit, you called me about something Rich." Ben blurted out. Everybody looked awkwardly around the room, previously knowing about the 'weird situation'.

Richie sat quietly, small uhs and ums coming out. Everybody was quiet and he didn't know what to say.

"Something has been happening, and I don't understand why." He began, "And I can't tell you what it is." Richie balled up, semi-freaking out. The Losers awkwardly stared at each other,

"Richie listen-"

"No, please just leave me alone." He said, throwing his glasses down. They broke again. He stormed out, pushing past everybody.

"Wait!-" Eddie called out, Richie didn't stop. They all sat in silence.

The conversation became- uncomfortable.

"What do I say?!"

Mike's eye lit up. Bill's eyes look down.

"I like- I like Beverly."


word count: 636

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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