Chapter 21: Calm and Reasonable

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You washed your face with some cold water from the bathroom sink a few times, once you were done, you tried your face up, fixed up your hair and attire, you then exited your bathroom and started making your way to the Command Building Lobby, Rapi said earlier that you have some guests waiting for you, she also said they were very important people from the Ark, you didn't know who these important people were but soon your about to find out.

Y/N: Jeez, I just can't get one day full of rest, I'm starting to regret even agreeing of saving this world from the Raptures...

You said to yourself as you continue to make your way down to the Command Building Lobby, once you've made it, you saw three unknown female individuals standing in the Lobby, you also see Rapi, Anis, and Neon as well, looks like there all were waiting for you, all of the girls then turn there attention towards you now, the three unknown female individuals examine you as one of them doesn't look pleased.

You said to yourself as you continue to make your way down to the Command Building Lobby, once you've made it, you saw three unknown female individuals standing in the Lobby, you also see Rapi, Anis, and Neon as well, looks like there all were wai...

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Syuen: About time you finally showed your face, I was getting bored of waiting, do you have any idea how long I've been waiting here with these three bucket of bolts of yours?!

Y/N: ....

Rapi: ....

Anis: ....

Neon: ....

You didn't say nothing back as you just stood there looking at the girl thats talking to you with a bad attitude towards you, once this girl or whoever she is starting opening her mouth, you knew you were about to deal with this person that's going to give you a headache and most importantly, going to piss you off.

Y/N: ....

Syuen: Well? Aren't you going to say something? Or are you just gonna stand there like a total idiot?

Y/N: ....*sigh*

You then just turn your back towards her as you started making your way back to your bedroom, the girls saw this as the individual with a bad attitude was then surprised that you just ignored her and started walking away from her, she then called out to you.

Syuen: H-Hey! Where you going?!

Y/N: I'm going back to bed, dealing with you is not worth my time...

Syuen: Why you! Do you have any idea who I am?!

Y/N: No and I could care less, so please; fuck off and bother someone else....

Rapi, Anis, and Neon were now worried as the three of them all stood there and witness you ignoring one of the big CEOs of the Ark, if you didn't now, the CEOs of the Big Three has the same authority as the Deputy Commander in Chief, meaning they all of high authorization throughout the Ark and right now you don't even know that one of them is talking to you with a bad attitude.

Syuen: You! I am the head CEO of Missilis Industry! I have the same Authority as the Deputy Commander in Chief! I can get you executed by a Firing Squad, put you in an Electric Chair and Electrocuted you to death! I'll even have your Nikkes confiscated for spare parts!!

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