Chapter 45: Passionate Comfort

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Rapi, Anis, and Neon all stood there in front of you as you sit on the couch with you facing them, your head was leaning downwards facing the floor as you have a worried expression showing on your face, you told the girls the truth, you told them that you were from Another World when suddenly the Goddess of Victory herself, Nike; summoned you into this World in Hopes of saving Humanity from the Raptures, you sat there on the couch in silence; with the feeling of guilt and uncertainty, because right now; your worried, worried you might one day lose control of yourself from your Anger and Rage, worried that you might hurt the girls that you care about, worried...that you might turn into a Monster...

Y/N: Girls...I'm starting to lose little pieces of myself, you girls knew what happened when I dealt with Chatterbox...even though the Central Government covered it up, making it look that Chatterbox was the one that killed those people...but in reality it was me that did it...

Rapi: ....

Anis: ....

Neon: ....

Y/N: I killed 43 people and 204 of them ended up in the Hospital, badly injured...because of me, because I lost it...the moment I saw you girls laying of the ground in front of Chatterbox...I just...lost it, I went...completely berserk...I...turned into a Monster...

You said to the three girls that are listening to you, Rapi, Anis, and Neon all stood in front of you silently without saying anything, the silence that the girls are giving out made you worried, thinking to yourself that the girls will now see you as a Monster that can let loose without self control, a mindless beast that just want to kill the moment he snaps, but those negative thoughts of yours was suddenly pushed away when the three girls, Rapi, Anis, and Neon suddenly went up to you and embrace you into a tight comfort hug, this caught you off guard and surprised.

Rapi: Commander, list to me; you are not a Monster, what happened was not your fault, even though you killed those people, it wasn't the real you that did it...your Rage and Anger got the best of you, controlled you; if you can control those emotions, then you can prevent this Monster that you do not want to become...

Anis: Besides, we understand how you feel, the people in the Ark sees us Nikkes as War Machines, weapons against the Raptures, they don't see us in any other way, sure; we may look gorgeous like a Goddess with our feminine figure and stature bodies; but once they see what we can do when fighting the Raptures, they change there perspective about us completely...

Neon: Most Nikkes hide the fact that they are Nikkes to the public in order to fit in, but it's not easy doing so; the people can tell if someone is a Nikke or not by special feats like a Nikkes Physical Strength that is more superior to a human one, some Nikkes can lift up an entire car up with one hand without realizing it...

Rapi: What we're all trying to say is, Commander; we know how you feel and you don't have to fight this alone; we will be here for you to help, we are your Nikkes and you are our Commander, whatever is troubling you, we will solve it together, so please Commander; don't call yourself a Monster, because the Raptures are the only true Monsters that exist...

Y/N: ....girls...

After hearing what all three of the girls say out to you, you started to tear up a bit, the girls saw this as they all embraced you into the hug even more, you return the hug as you pull the three girls close to you, you then showed a genuine smile, knowing now that Rapi, Anis, and Neon are willing to help you and overcome whatever problems that you will face, these girls will go to the ends of the Earth for you, they all care about you as much as you care about them.

Y/N: Thank you girls...really, thank you...


Moments have passed as it was getting late, you were now in your Room Quarter ready to go to bed and call it a day, its been hectic nonstop ever since the moment you came into this new unfamiliar world that the Goddess sent you, the Goddess said that all you have to do is to stop the Raptures from destroying Humanity, it was plain and simple...not realizing that it's more complicated then that.

Common Commander (Goddess of Victory: NIKKE x OP!Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now