Chapter 58: Firepower Forever

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Outpost, Commander Building

You were sitting in your office as you looked over the files and briefings of your next task up on the Surface, you read over a group of Nikkes called "Unlimited" that is taking post at the Research Facility up on the Northern Base where you can use to locate a Pilgrim Nikke that is roaming in the Northern Tundra area. Andersen said that this Northern Base was a research facility a long time ago back during the Raptures were still invading and a place for crucial information for Rapture activity movement. Now Andersen wants you to use this facility to locate a Pilgrim Nikke that's roaming around the Northern Tundra for answers about the Heretic Modernia.

Y/N: Let's see here... Unlimited Squad, responsible for aiding lost Nikkes on the surface... Nikkes can get lost up on the surface? I didn't know that, as a matter of fact... I don't know that much about this world... God I hope I don't have to read history books...

You said to yourself out loud as you continue to read through the files and documents, then a few sudden knocks could be heard outside of your office door, you turn towards the door and asked who it was.


Y/N: Who is it?

Neon: It's me Master, may I come in?

Y/N: Oh, yea you can come in Neon.

You said towards Neon that was outside your office room, the door of your office room then opens as Neon walked in, she then closed the office door behind her as she approached you, standing in front of your desk where you're sitting behind in. You turn to her and ask her what she needs from you.

Y/N: Is there something I can help you with Neon?

Neon: Yes! As a matter of fact, I do need your help with something Master.

Y/N: Okay... what do you need help with?

You asked Neon what she needs your help with as you waited her response, Neon then took a deep breath like she's about to yell from the top of her lungs, she then slams both her hands onto your office desk as leans forward towards you a bit while she says what she needs your help with.

Neon: I want stronger Firepower!


Neon: You know, stronger Firepower! I'm really REALLY envious about you Master! Your capable of doing a lot of amazing and incredible things like making weapons appear out of thin air, defeating Raptures left and right with such ease, and most of all, having really REALLY strong Firepower!

Y/N: Uhhh....

Neon: So please Master! Help me achieve strong Firepower like yours!

Neon exclaimed towards you loudly as she is now fully leaning down on your office desk with her face itching close towards you while you lean back a bit on your office chair trying to get some space between you and Neon. Neon looks at you with full of determinations on her face while you look at her with a bit of a nervous expression on.

Y/N: Okay first off... personal space please...

Neon: Oh! Sorry about that Master...

Neon said as she immediately gets off from your office desk and stands in front you. You then sit properly on your office chair as you pull yourself closer to the office desk. You then turn your attention back towards Neon and try to think of a way of responding of her wanting stronger Firepower and to be honest, you don't know how to give her stronger Firepower.

Neon: So, will you help achieve stronger Firepower Master?

Y/N: When you say you want stronger Firepower, do you mean you want your weapon to do more damage against the Raptures?

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