Chapter 5-The Bad Dreams Continue

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Start of dream

"Kaylee, their spinning ahead of you," Chad yelled.

"I can't see anything," I screamed.

"Slam on the breaks! Now!"

"I'm trying but they aren't helping. Shit, shit, shit, shit."

"Kaylee get into the fetal position now!"

I stopped just inches for going head first in it the wall, just like Kyle Busch did back in 2015 at Daytona, but we are at Charlotte this weekend.

"Kaylee, can you here me?"

I couldn't respond, my body just shut down. I couldn't move. Nothing, all I could do was see. Next thing I know I'm being pulled out of the car and being put onto a stretcher. I got loaded into the ambulance and drove to the infield care center.

"Where is she?" I heard some one yell, probably Chase.

"Who's she?" The person at the front desk, I think, said.

"Kaylee. Kaylee Homerding."

"Oh, first door on the right."

"Kaylee," Chase said as he tried to hug me, but I was still in the fetal position, so it failed.

"Sir, you can't be in here," the doctor said to Chase.

"I can be in here and I have every right. 1, this is my teammate. 2, I am her fucking boyfriend. I'm gonna stay here no matter what you say I can or can't do," Chase almost yelled.

Next thing I know Chad, Dale, Kasey, Amy, and Mr. Hendrick, where standing in the room. My body slowly started to relax, first my arms released from around my legs. Then my legs straighten out.

"Kaylee?" Dale asked as he squatted down I front of me.

"I can't, I can't do this anymore. I'm done," I said as I broke down and started crying.

"It's only your 14th race ever. Your first season is always the hardest. Trust me. Just try next weekend."

"No. I can't. I quit."

"No you aren't quitting. You are gonna race next weekend no matter what you say."

"No. I quit. This is just to much. I can't do it. What would happen if this happens again and I don't have time to react. I could fucking die. I'm done. I'm moving back to Wisconsin."

"No you are not. You are not moving back to Wisconsin. You are not quitting. You will not die."

"How in the hell do you know that? I'm completely done. There's no stopping me. I am ducking done."

"Ducking?" Dale questioned with a laugh.

"Sorry. Fucking, I meant fucking."

"Kaylee," Chad said, "you car for here is still drivable. The only damage was to the right rear which is what made you spin. And ya know what it was Kyle Busch who spun you."

"That fucking bastard. His balls and dick will be mine once I get the fuck out of here."

"That's my girl, and no you will not do anything to him, you will just have a heated conversation."

"Well can I get the fuck out of here?"

"Yes you can," the doctor said.

I got up and walked out of the infield care center. A bunch of reporters can up to me but I just kept walking. I found Kyle in the garage talking with his crew.

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