Chapter 7-Daytona Bound

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"Chase, get up," I said shaking him.

"What time is it?"

"6:30. We have to finish getting ready to go."

"Are Kasey and Sam up?"

"Yeah. They are eating right now."

"Let me get dressed."

"Okay, I have to go get Tanner so he can eat and ready to go. So before I walk out, get up and grab your clothes."

He got up and grabbed his clothes and I walked over to Tanner's room. I picked him up and walked downstairs. I fed Tanner and got him dressed and ready to go.

"Got everything?" I asked as I grabbed my coolers.

"Yeah. What are we taking to drink," Kasey said.

"A bunch of stuff."


I put a bunch of my Peace Teas, sodas, water, and cold snacks. I took the cooler out to the Suburban and went back inside. I filled the other cooler with different alcoholic drinks and took that one out to the Suburban. I pulled out all of the suitcases and loaded the first cooler in then the suitcases, and the other one. I walked back in and got Kasey, so he could move his car. He pulled it to where my Suburban was. We got Tanner's car seat into my car and went inside.

"Are you guys ready? We got to head to Dale's soon," I said.

"Just a minute," Sam called from the bathroom.

"I'm ready," Chase and Kasey said.

Sam came out and we all got in and headed over to Dale's. Once we got there, we got out and talked with everyone.

"Who ready to head to Daytona?" I smiled.

"I am!" Everyone yelled.

We all got into our cars and started on our way to Daytona.


"We're here!" I said as we pulled up to our hotel.

Everyone got out and and we all gathered together.

"We should go swimming, pool or beach?" Amy said.

"Beach," everyone agreed.

We got checked in and went to our rooms. I grabbed out my two swimsuits and laid them on the bed.

"Chase, which one should I wear? 1 or 2?" I asked.

"I say bikini, only because I haven't seen you in one yet. Last time I saw you in a swimsuit was the pool party last year at Dale's, but you had the one piece on."

"That's right. I was still really insecure on my body at that point."

He set his hands on my hips and gave me a quick kiss.

"You have had no reason to be insecure about your body," he smiled. "It's beautiful, and it always has been."

"You haven't seen me before I lost a lot of weight."

"If I saw you then, I still would have loved you and your love handles."

"Well. So which suit?"

"Like I said, bikini."

"Okay. Now go get ready."

"Okay, okay."

We got changed and grabbed our towels. I slipped my leggings back on and grabbed my purse, phone, and sun glasses.

"Ready?" I smiled and jumped on his back.

"Yeah, I guess," he smiled and headed to the door. "Got a room key?"

"Yes. Do you want your phone and wallet in my purse?"


He handed me his phone and wallet, so I put those in my purse and we headed down to the lobby to meet with everyone.

"Hey," I said to Karsyn and Kennedy.

"Hey," they smiled.

I got off Chase's back and stood next to him. Everyone else came down and we walked over to the beach. I took my leggings off and and sat down on my towel.

"Do you want to go swim?" Chase smiled.

"Sure," I said and stood up.

We walked to the water and got chest deep. We ended up spending the rest of the night at the beach.

-Next Morning-

"Disney World?" Kelly asked while we were eating.

"Sure!" Everyone agreed.

Once we finished eating we loaded up and headed to Orlando.


We got back and headed up to our rooms.

"This has been fun so far," I mumbled into Chase's chest.

"It has. I can't wait for the race though," he smiled.

"Yeah. I'm excited about that too, but nervous as well."

"You'll be fine. You have plenty of practice over the off season."


"This is gonna be a good couple of weeks."

"That's for sure."

We got changed for bed and crawled in.

"Night. Love you," Chase smiled and pulled me closer, kissing my cheek.

"Night. Love you too."

We got comfortable and fell asleep.

Hey guys. So I know that this is way over due, but school just started and I have been getting a lot of hours at work too.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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