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Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoy the one-shot! Leave your prompts in the comments! Enjoy-Kreat


"Hughh", Shuri sighed as she stood amongst the crowd gathered around the baggage claim area. She had been watching as each of her fellow passengers claimed their luggage. After a rather, questionable flight, she was becoming agitated. Amongst the rude flight attendants and turmoltuos flight, now she was having trouble finding her baggage. She looked out amongst the small group of people that were left, noticing a few familiar faces amongst the few. Turning her attention back to the conveyor belt in front of her, her troubles subsided.

"Finally." Shuri said as she noticed a navy blue piece of luggage appear on the conveyor belt. Stepping forward she grabbed her luggage and began out the door. Finally, her vacation could begin.
Crossing the airport entrance, she made her way through revolving doors and into the much needed warmth that her destination provided. She pulled out her phone, looking for any signs of her Uber's location. According to the app, her driver was only two minutes away. Using her backpack as makeshift pillow, Shuri perched against a nearby wall.

"Relax. Rest. Refresh." Shuri  murmured to herself. The personal reminder had become a mantra of hers as of late. After being let go from one of the most prestigious law firms in the country, Shuri promised herself to live more. For so long it seemed as if she had been bound to the confinements of a courtroom. To her, losing her job hadn't been a moment of failure, but a signal for a new beginning.
Her Iphone vibrated in her lap, notifying that the Uber driver was near by. Shuri stood up and began to gather her things. If her app was correct, her driver was in a Black Honda Accord. Looking up again, she saw the car coming down the pick-up lane. Eventually slowing to a stop, a few feet away from Shuri.
"Shuri J-" The driver said as he rolled down the passenger window.
"Yes, that's me." Shuri responded.

"Aloha!  Welcome to H'awaii!" The driver said as he began to get out of the vehicle. "Here, let me help you with those." He said as he began to grab her luggage and place it into the trunk of the vehicle.

"Thank you. You really didn't have to do that."

"Eh, it's all part of the welcome to our beautiful island." The man said as he closed the trunk and walked to the driver's side of the car.

"Well, thank you nonetheless. This vacation is much needed, I can tell you that." Shuri said as she got into the vehicle. After making sure her seatbelt was buckled, she pulled out her phone to  check her reservations. Her hotel wasn't a long drive from the airport. Something that she was grateful for. After a long flight, all she wanted to do was fall asleep and get a nice meal after.

"So, if you don't mind me asking. What brought you to the Island?" Her driver asked.

"Well, I'll just say life told me I needed a vacation. And this is where I ended up."

"You picked a good place. I usually don't like tourists, but there's something about you. I'm not trying to be weird and I know I'm a stranger bu- but I have a knack for reading people. And you have good energy."

Shuri examined the man from her position in the back seat. The quirk of her eyebrow made her driver let out a small laugh.

"I want to question you, but you're right. And Mr;" Shuri looked down quickly at her phone for the mysterious man's name.

"You can just call me, T." He said as he glanced into the rearview mirror.

"Okay, T, thanks for the reassurance. Oddly enough, I've been having the same thoughts lately."

"You know what they say, take heed to the signs and all." T turned his attention back to the road ahead of them and offered silence for the rest of the trip.

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