"Forever & Always"

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There was no battle that Shuri had fought or enemy she had faced that caused her to be as nerve ridden as she was today. Finally after every trial and tribulation, she was marrying the love of her life. Their relationship was far from a  fairytale, yet Shuri and Riri both knew they would have a happy ending.

"Shuri, I can feel your nerves over here. Do the rest of us a favor and keep them to yourself." M'baku said, earning him a glare from Shuri.

"Bast, leave her alone, M'baku. She has a right to be nervous. It is their union day." Okoye defended. "So, are you ready?" Okoye said as she put her hands on Shuri's shoulders.

"More ready than I've ever been for any moment in my life. I get to marry my soulmate."

"Yes, yes, kisses and rainbows. Save your speech for the ceremony." This earned M'baku a glare from both Okoye and Shuri.

"I only speak the truth." M'baku said as he raised his hands and shrugged his shoulders in innocence.

"Shuri, don't listen to him. It's your day and you can say whatever you please." Okoye said, smiling and looking at Shuri through the mirror.

*knock* *knock*
All three pairs of eyes turned towards the source of the sound as the door opened.

"Shuri, it's almost time" Nakia was smiling as she entered Shuri's quarters.

Shuri exhaled as the dropping feeling reappeared in her stomach. "Nakia, how does she look?"

Nakia's eyes lit up at the mention of Riri. "Shuri, she looks absolutely beautiful. As do you."

"Thank you. I'm just ready to see her. Actually, I'm not sure what I'll do when I see her."

"Just don't freeze and you'll be fine." M'baku inserted, wearing his signature charming smile. Shuri looked at him with agitation as Nakia and Okoye stifled back a laugh.

"Okay, enough teasing our Bride." Nakia said, still laughing.

"I was only trying to give advice." M'baku said.

"Try some better advice." Shuri said.

"Fine, you want advice?" M'baku for once turned to a more serious tone. He took a deep breath, preparing what words were about to leave his mouth.

"Always so dramatic," Okoye said as M'baku cut his eyes at her.

"As I was saying."  M'baku started as he turned his attention back to Shuri. " Shuri, I know that this life has not been easy for you, but it has given you someone to share it with. Someone who loves you. Do not let your past wounds bleed on the heart who loves you now, in the present. I wish you two the best in this life and the next." M'baku surprised everyone with his words. Pulling Shuri into a hug,  he whispered into her ear "I love you, little panther, and I am so proud of the woman you've become." Releasing her, he looked to see there wasn't a dry eye in the room. Nakia attempted to pat away the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes. Okoye on the other hand let them fall, not caring for the makeup she was wearing anyways.

"Now, I have another bride to go and offer my great wisdom to.  We'll see you out there." M'baku gave Shuri one last meaningful look before leaving out the door. Over the years, M'baku and Riri had grown close. M'baku was mostly just intrigued by Riri's smart mouth and her ability to sometimes out banter him. And to no one's surprise, she had chosen him to present her to Shuri.

"I should be going to. Congratulations, Shuri." Okoye said as she gave Shuri a quick hug and left out the door.

With it just being them, Nakia took advantage of the moment. "Shuri, I wasn't sure what to say on this day. How to say, I'm so amazed by who you've become. The strength it took to get to this point, physically or mentally, I'm proud of you. I also see the way you unconditionally love and care for Riri. How protective of her you are yet, gentle. I know your mother and brother approve. And they are here with us today. You look at Riri the way T'challa would look at me. That's how I know you two are meant to be. You look at each other as if you're the stars that light up each other's sky." Nakia dabbed at the tears that had started to fall from her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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