"Jaded Love"

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A/N: I hope everyone is enjoying this series. Drop some prompts in the comments, if you want more! As always, Enjoy! - Kreat


A still groggy Riri turned over in her bed to only find emptiness. She continued to feel for a warmth she knew wasn't there. Rather out of instinct or hope, she couldn't determine. Every morning had been the same as the one before recently. Her only company being the silk sheets she was currently wrapped in. Curling back into herself, Riri sat with herself. The coldness of the morning seeped into her covers. There were not enough blankets though to feel the void of her missing lover. Obligations to her people kept her in her lab as of late.
Rolling over, Riri begrudgingly got out of bed. Her own duties, calling her out of the bed and to face the day. She walked across the bare floor, feet meeting the coolness of the wooden floors. As the silence of the room played like an old melody. One she wanted to forget, but was played in every corner of the room. Dragging herself through her morning routine, Riri eventually was ready to start her day. On her way out the door, she noticed Shuri had left her workbag.
"Forgetful. As always." Grabbing the bag, she made a note to stop by the lab on her way to her first meeting of the day. Riri headed out the door of their shared quarters, starting her day without her person. Something she had not and did not want to get used to.
After a brief walk she came upon the lab As she got closer her ears were met with the sound of laughter. Almost instantly she recognized the source. Shuri. But she wasn't alone. Someone unfamiliar. A woman. A beautiful woman was laughing with her girlfriend. her hand playfully swatting at Shuri's shoulder.
"Ahem" Riri said standing in the doorway. Her hand sitting promptly on her hip, and anger ridden on her face.
"Oh, good morning ,babe." Shuri said, oblivious to her girlfriend's building anger.
"Mm, Good morning. babe." Riri responded, a dangerous tone in her voice. " I was just stopping by because you left your work bag."
"Oh, I didn't even notice. This morning has just been so busy. Oh, Uh, Liyema this is my girlfriend Shuri." Shuri said as she began to walk over to where Riri was still standing. Shuri was surprised, as she leaned in for a kiss only to be met with Riri's cheek.

"Everything okay, babe?" Shuri asked lowly, but feeling as if she already knew the answer.
"Of course, I'll see you at home." And with that Riri turned on her heels and began to march out of the lab. Garnering looks of attention as she left. Nothing had to be said or heard, the energy was felt. And the owners of those looks made a point to stay out of her way. It had almost become custom for the couple's peers and anyone in proximity of them to stay out of the way of either person during one of their arguments. Among those lookers was Aneka, who unlike many others was not scared of either woman. Riri avoided her look as she did the others, but that did not stop Aneka from approaching her.
"So, what is it this time?" The warrior asked.
"What are you even talking about, Aneka?"
"Hm, if you had to lie for your life, we'd be planning your funeral right now." Aneka said, biting back her laughter, eliciting a glare from Riri.
Riri sighed in defeat as she rolled her eyes, " I don't even know. it's just this bitch Liyema or who the hell ever had her hands all over Shuri. Do you know the last time I had my hands all over her? Or even woke up next to her? I sure as hell don't. And between that and her always being at work, I just- it's too much. And knowing that someone else has more access to my girlfriend than I do...that really just pushed me over the edge." Riri ran her hands down her braids and exhaled heavily. Being able to vent was refreshing for once.
Aneka watched the woman in front of her. Usually she would laugh at Riri's rants, but she could tell she was really struggling with this.
"Have you told her any of this? Besides just now of course."
"No, I haven't had the time. We're usually too busy. Maybe if I was a blueprint or a project, she'd spend some time with me." Riri responded, tears threatening to spill from the corners of her eyes. Not from sadness, but frustration.
"I'm not sure if there is a right or wrong answer in this situation. I do know that as much as you two put your people first, you often forget about yourselves. Relationships included. You're supposed to navigate the waters of life together. When the ship gets off course, talk to your co-captain. Communication is key, Riri. I know you two will figure it out. Now, I have some training to do so we can continue this conversation later." Aneka said.

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