Chapter 5

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That night I woke up screaming in pain, it felt like my bones where breaking and rebreaking, I could hear my bones break and pop into differ positions. My screams reach the ears of Jar and Jake, along with my mate Alexzander, all three stop and stare at me with pain crossing their faces as though they are going through it with me. My screams slowly turned into painful-sounding howls, I felt the earth under my paws!! Since when did I have paws? All of a sudden I look up and it seems as though my body in this form knows what it wants and is heading straight for my mate. 

I hear a small voice in my head "Mate! Mate! Mate!" It sounded like a growl and a snarl, of course, my mate looked more excited than anything like it was his first time being around a wolf. And, apparently, I am said the wolf.

I forced my wolf-like body to turn away from my mate and took off toward the smell of water, I want to see my wolf's colors, and apparently, it startled Jake and Jar because they didn't expect me to run toward the other wolves on the land. 

I felt a voice in my head. It sounded muffled, but clear. "Angel, come back! It's not safe!" Jar was yelling in my head, causing me to stop running in that direction. 

Figuring out how to answer him, I concentrate on him and send the thought of a mirror. "I want to see myself, Jar, please!!!" I said in a begging whimper his command causing me to bow down in terror. 

My brother realized his mistake. "Oh, sis, I'm so sorry, I take the command back, I will clear the area for you." With that being said his eyes glazed over as if talking to people, and all I hear are howls of excitement, but they seem to get further away as if they listened and left the air but were excited to have another playmate. 

"Thank you, brother." I mindlink back to him, as I take off running in the direction I want to go. Coming up on a small pond, I come up to it, smelling the area, as I deem it safe, I take a small lap of water from the pond. Standing back I look at myself, I see I am all white and giant with four paws that are black. One thing looks odd though, One eye is bright blue as the other is blood red, at that moment it looked like my vampiric half and wolf half were both admiring this body. 

Hearing a branch break close to me I turn to let out a scary snarl. Upon realizing it's my mate I calm down, and my tail starts to waggle around. 

"Aren't you one beautiful wolf, my love," he responds softly. 

I look at him unable to answer, and not sure how to go back to him. He laughs softly and sits next to me. He reaches out almost like he wants to pet me. I scoot closer to him and lay my wolfish head on his lap. 

I mindlink Jar, "How do I change back?" 

"You want to imagine, your human body and you changing back into it." He responded in mind link. "Although the moment you change, you'll be naked." 

"Wait, so can you bring clothes to me then, please?" I asked him through mind link. 

"Yes, I'm on my way now, sis." He says as he shows up holding my bag of clothes. 

"Thank you," I mindlink him and take the bag out of his hand with my muzzle. Walking behind a few trees, I imagine myself human and feeling the bones pop back into place. Weird it doesn't hurt anymore. As soon as back into my human body, I start to get dressed, seeing its a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. I side them both on and walk back from behind the trees. Only to see Jar and Alexzander, having a heated argument about my wolf's color. 

"What is wrong with my wolf's color," I ask them both. They both stop and look at me, not saying anything for the longest time. "Just spit it out, for fuck sake!" I end up shouting at them both 

Jar starts to answer but pauses with a frown on his face like he is having a hard time wording what he wants to say. And Alexzander just is staring at me, with his mouth wide open. 

"Well, what is it?" I ask impatiently. While staring them both down with a frown on my face. 

"Well, sis, it's just your wolf is the first of that kind." My brother stated. "I have no clue, about this kind of wolf and the powers you will have." 

"What do you mean my wolf is the first of its kind?" I asked my brother with worry in my voice. 

"Honestly, my love, you are rare, your kind is only told in stories." Alexzander softly told me. 

I stand there looking at them both confused and a little scared. Trying to gather my thoughts, I feel my mate pick me up in his arms and started to walk back to the house, apparently this is the pack house where all unmated wolves, or wolves that have lost mates, stay. 

The pack house was beautiful, a four-story house with 30 different bedrooms one floor is the Alpha, or in this case the King's floor. The house is a white brick home, with a beautiful garden. The inside is just as beautiful, as soon as you walk in you're met with a beautiful two-way spiral staircase.  Then there is a door between the staircase that leads straight into a beautiful kitchen, being decorated, in black and white tones. Next to it is another room which is the dining room, which is beautiful, with the table being a beautiful dark Oak wood color and the chairs matching it. There is a community shower, one for the males and another for the females. 

As I'm with my mate, he turns and walks up the stairs straight to the King's floor. Once on the King's floor, we go into the second bedroom where he sits me down on the bed. As he walks over to the bathroom that is adjacent to the bedroom and turns on the shower, he walks out and gives me a look. 

"Get out of those clothes and take a shower, I'll go hunt you some clean clothes down, my love."  He says as he commands me to strip. I felt my wolf come forward, and my body starts to strip slowly in front of him, I have never done this with a man but it seems my wolf and vampiric side enjoy teasing our mate. Soon I'm down to my black lace bra and black laced thongs. I look up and my mate looks as though he is controlling himself not to jump on me. Of course, I blush lightly. 

"Good Goddess, Angel, go get in that shower before I fuck you right her," He sounds pleading, I look into his eyes and smell his lust on him his eyes showing how much he wants me. 

"Okay, I'll be waiting," I say softly, as I start to grow aroused. I couldn't help but to feel so turned on by that statement alone. What is wrong with me, never have I let a man talk to me that way, but the fact I shared dreams with him, I know that when it comes a time it will be amazing. I just hope that the time comes soon. Really soon, please. 

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