Chapter 11

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Heading to the car, I felt something was off, it was close to evening time. The sun was setting, and the parking lot looked full but at the same time to quiet. Sensing something wrong, I stopped walking. I looked around. seeing two different people both with glowing red eyes. I realized Juls wasn't paying attention, as she continues walking. 

"Juls!" I screamed. "STOP!!!!" 

Juls turns looking at me, confused. "What's wrong?" 

"Come, back to me right now." I say with a slight edge to my voice. 

As she starts to walk back to me they both advance towards us. The gums in my mouth started to hurt and I could feel my fangs growing like my vampiric side new something was going to happen. Speeding to Juls, as fast as I could, knowing if I didn't get to her first they would kill her just to get to me. 

Throwing myself in front of her, I hear her clothes shred knowing something was wrong. 

"Get out of here Juls, please!" I said with a growl. "Go find my mate, tell him, I love him." I say with a small smile. 

Juls, wolves whimpers, as if she knows what is about to happen. As she turns and takes off running through the cars, watching her go. I feel my vampiric side, come forward even more, feeling my body strengthen. As soon as both of the beastly men got to me. I could hear their rhymical breathing, in sync as they come at me. Knowing if I lose this fight I possibly will lose my life, or more, my mate, and his pack. 

"Calm down princess, we only want to talk." says one of the men, with a evil grin showing through. 

"What if I don't want to talk?" I growl out lowly. 

He starts to chuckle. "You don't want to fight us, Princess." 

"I would rather take my chances considering, your friend keeps getting closer and closer." I growl out, now feeling my wolf awaken at the threat. 

"Phil, stand back, we aren't here to harm her." The Man snaps, at who I now know as Phil. 

"I apologize, Princess. I was simply trying to calm you down." Phil smiles at me softly. 

"Now, that is settled, Princess, we simply are here to talk." The man says. 

"What is your name?" I say with a growl still in my voice, knowing it's my wolf, asking. 

"I am King Phosphorus, King of the demons, but you can call me Lucifer." Lucifer says.

I feel chills going down my spine. As he introduces himself. Trying to keep my fear at bay. "What do you want with me?" 

"You are someone, I have been looking for, and finally you are here." Lucifer says.

"Why are you looking for me?" I say with a growl, going back on guard. 

"You probably have questions, about why your father was killed." Lucifer states. 

"I have been wondering why, yes, and what do you know?" I ask softly, feeling the sadness consume me. 

"My king, maybe we should go to a place where she can sit down." Phil says softly. 

"Not, a bad idea." Lucifer says, while looking at Phil. 

"Princess, you might want to be near your mate, when we tell you this information." Phil says softly, with sad eyes. 

"He is on his way here. I take it you know my mate?" I ask. 

"Yes, Princess, I know your mate." Lucifer says with a smile. 

"Why did you feel the need to make me feel like we were about to be attacked." I asked, with a growl to my voice again. 

"We wanted to see if it was just your vampiric and wolf, or if there was more." Lucifer says. 

"What do you mean by more?" I ask confused. 

"We will discuss everything once your mate is here." Lucifer says.

As he says this, I hear a howl in the distance. Knowing he is coming and he sounds pissed. Looking towards the woods near the parking lot. Alexzander, immerges out of the trees in his wolf form. He is a beautiful black color with white ears and paws. Watching him walk towards us, I suddenly feel calm, knowing my mate came for me. I know he will always come for me. Watching him transform a blush blooms on my face, knowing he is completely naked. Seeing Julz walk up with clothes in her hands for Alexzander. 

"Thank you, Julz." I say softly. 

She nods her head at me as worry flashes across her eyes. "King Phosphorus, welcome, sorry I didn't recognize you." 

"It's quite okay, Julianna." Lucifer says with a smile of his own. 

"Do you care to explain to me way you scared my mate, and sister, Lucifer?" Alexzander says with a growl to his voice. 

"Why yes, I do, but maybe we can find a quiet place to discuss this between ourselves." Lucifer answers, with a hint of sadness. 

"It must be important if you are showing up, during the dusk like this." Alexzander says, with equal sadness, as if he knows what we are about to talk about. 

"Do you mind telling me what I am missing?" I say softly with frustration to my voice. 

"Yes, princess, it's about the five kingdoms. And you." Lucifer says with a soft smile. "Let's get somewhere safe though." 

With that being said he starts to walk towards the woods. He pauses and says, "I'll see you all back at your pack house." 

"That sounds good, Lucifer." Alexzander answers back. "Come on my love, you are going to want to drive back home for this." 

Looking up at Alexzander, I feel my heart skip a beat, at knowing he has my best interest at heart. At the same time, I am confused as to what is going on. 

"Can you explain to me why I am being visited by the King of Demons?" I ask softly. 

"I wish I could tell you, but it is his job to let you know, he did call me before he showed up, what I didn't know was he would scare you." Alexzander says with a frown. 

Leaning back, I look out the window of the car. I watch the trees blur together as we drive. My thoughts running through my head, consuming me. Wondering why Lucifer had such a sad look, and why Alexzander, is keeping things from me. Leaning my head on the window, I feel myself tense at the thought of my father, and what happened to him. I should call my brother, to let him know what is happening. Thinking about how much I miss my brother, and the fact I haven't finished school, because I don't know how to control my emotions, after the transformation. 

Knowing my best friend is probably wondering what happened to me. I have a feeling he is annoying my brother right now asking all these questions. I let out a giggle. 

"What has you giggling about?" Alexzander ask with a smile. 

"I just thought I forgot to tell my best friend at school what is going on, and why I haven't been at school." I say with a giggle still. "And the fact he is probably driving my brother crazy with questions." 

Alexzander looks at me with a smile "Is that the gay best friend?" 

"Yes, that is my best friend." I say with a smile. 

"Oh yeah, you do realize your best friend is a demon right?" Alexzander says softly. 

"Wait so I might get to see him today?" I say with excitement. 

"Yes, you could, if Lucifer summoned him." Alexzander says. 

Pulling up to the pack house, I feel a sense of dread sweep over me, causing my smile to vanish. Parking the car, we get out and head straight for the meeting room. It's a big soundproof room, with a huge round table in it and a rustic wooden feel to it. Knowing I'm about to probably be up in a state of shock and hurt, I feel my back and shoulders tense up. 

"It's going to be okay, my love. I am right here with you." Alexzander reassures me.  

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