Chapter 4

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I am waking down the hall on my way to Fitz's dorm

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I am waking down the hall on my way to Fitz's dorm. Biana is having lunch with her soulmate Dex and his friends. Already getting to know them.

A girl with blonde hair and golden eyes rounds the corner as she smashes into me.

"Your feisty, sprinting down halls." I point out, steading her by her shoulders

"No shit Sherlock!" She gets out out my embrace and sprints away.

That girl is my soulmate and she just ditched me. Like only said those 3 words and ditched me.

I watch as her name fades onto my arm in blank ink, written smoothly and joint. Sophie Foster.

It is that girl that her friends were looking for. She seems to be best friends with Biana's soulmate Dex. I continue walking as I make it to Fitz's dorm.

I knock on the door as he opens it. "I just ran into my soulmate and she ditched me." I say.

"Your kidding? She ditched you!" Fitz leads me into his room. Anger has always gotten the better of him.

"Yeah. She is that Sophie girl." I show him my arm.

"Damn, call Biana." He knows that Biana must be hanging out with her. It seems as if she was running becuase she was late to lunch.

I tap call on Biana's number. It rings.

"Hey." She picks up.

"My soulmate ditched me."

"Oh, your soulmate ditched you."

"Do you know her, Sophie Foster?"

"Do I know her? Maybe."

"Biana no!" I hear through the phone as I quickly glance at Fitz.

"You sure?"

"Yeah so, she is currently sitting right next to me."

"Biana, shut up!" I hear again as Sophie snatches the phone. "Hey."

"Is that, Sophie?" I ask, not believing it.

"Yeah, sorry for shouting at you then ditching you a second later."

"It's fine, just come up to my dorm after your last class." I suggest.



"That's my friend Jensi's dorm number." Oh, I do not pay attention at all.

"Oh, I think he is my roommate. I don't pay attention to that stuff."

"You better speak to him." She hangs up on me.

"So?" Fitz asks as I put the phone down.

"Sophie hung up on me. Apparently her friend has also been my roommate this entire time." I'm a complete idiot.

"Your screwed, she already hates you." Fitz elbows my rib cage.

"Just my luck, my soulmate hates me." I flop down on his bed.

"You'll live."

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