Chapter 7

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"You look tired

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"You look tired." Tam states as I seat myself next to him for breakfast.

"Yeah, I was up until midnight tutoring Keefe." I yawn as I take a bite of my toast.

"Gosh, want me to get you some juice?" Tam asks me.

"Yea please, apple."

"I know, I know." He gets up and starts walking over to the drinks.

Dex is sitting with Biana this morning while Marella and Linh are skipping breakfast. I got no clue where Jensi and Keefe are.

I take another bite of my toast as I wait for Tam to come back with the juice."

"Here." Tan slides it in front of me and places his own down.

"Thanks." I take a sip of juice.

"No problem, how much if the book do you have left?"

"About 3 chapters. What about you?"

"I've got 7 left, so you know they identify of the villain yet?" He asks me.

"Yep, it was shocking." I see Keefe coming over to our table.

"I'll leave you 2 be and go read." Tam gets up.

"You don't have to."

"Nah. See you Soph." He waves me off.

"Bye, Tam!" I shout after him, taking another sip of juice.

"Hey, Foster." Keefe sides in next to me. "Tired?"

"No shit Sherlock." I rest my head on his shoulder. I am once again wearing his blazer taht he gave me last night. The sleeves are quite long but I don't care.

"That's your favourite phrase." He knows me.

"Yeah, it came from the Sherlock Holmes book series." I start a rant. "Personally my favourite book series is A Good Girls Guide To Murder." I stop before he gets bored.

"That seems, murdury. Is that how you know so much?" He slings an arm around my shoulder as I take another bite of toast.


"What class do you have?" He asks me.

"I have a double of English first 2 periods then 1 lesson of Forensic Science after lunch."

"I am pretty sure we are in the same English class, have you written the story?"

"I unlike some people I wrote it in class." I get up to take my glass and plate up to the counter. He follows me.


"Loser." I stuck my tongue out and slide over my plate and glass.

"Hey, you love me Foster."

I just roll my eyes in response as he takes my hand, I already put all my books in my messenger bag so I start to make my way to English with Keefe.

"I feel like I have known you for years." He states.

"Honestly same, I think that's the thing about soulmates." I stop myself before I go into a full on rant.

"I can tell your biting your tongue there, Foster." He calls me out.

"Shut up!"


I make my way through the hall way. Still wearing his blazer from yesterday.

"Hey!" It's Dex.

"Hi!" I smile.

"I asked Biana on a date today!" Dex smiles.

"Really?" I don't believe it. "What did she say?"

"She said yes! I am thinking on going to the carnival this weekend with her."

"That would be amazing! Take her on the Ferris wheel last, make sure it is when the fireworks are going off. Then go to a drive in movie theatre." I am listing ideas.

"That sounds cool, can you ask Keefe what types of movie's she likes so I have an idea."

"Sure will, I would never let you down."

"Wait a second, is that his blazer?" Dex has figured it out.

"Yeah..." I know that red is rising on my cheeks.

"You go! It smells like him doesn't it?"

"Yep!" I am confident this time.

"I'm so proud of you." He starts to fake cry.

I laugh at this, an actual enjoyable laugh. I think it's funny that it is February and Dex spent the entirety of the holidays hanging out with Biana.

"Gotta go to Maths, bye." He waves ahead.

"Bye, Dex!"

I continue up 4 flights of stairs, I am literally done with these stairs. If I hear a person on a lower floor complain I will slap them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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