Part 4

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(*Kai has already grabbed a bottle of Vodka as Cole, Zane, Nya, and Skylor grab a light wine. Lloyd cannot drink and Jay simply doesn't like to drink... Jay's only interested in the games after...*) Kai: HIc- You guys should try this, hic-, drink! Jay: Well, he's drunk as hell... (*The most unexpected thing happens next... Jay is singing at the karaoke area when Kai stumbles over..*) Kai: Hey Bluey-bae~ It's time for games~!   Jay: Oooh! Finally! What game are we starting with? (*Kai grabs Jay's hand and pulls him to the circle that the others are sitting in*) Nya and Skylor: IT'S TRUTH OR DARE TIME!!!

(*Jay looks excited*) Jay: YES! It's about time we get interesting!  Nya: Hell yeah! Anyways, Kai. Truth or Dare?   Kai: Dare, obviously!  Nya: I DARE YOU TO KISS YOUR CRUSH! (*Remember, Kai is still dRuNk*)  Kai: Ok~! Kai: Come here, Bluey bae~ Jay: wHaT?!  (*Kai leans forward and kisses Jay...*)  Nya: HAHA! I KNEW IT! Skylor, you owe me 20 dollars!  (*The ninja's laughter and confusion is interrupted as Wu barges in*) Wu: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ALL DOING?!? GET IN THE VAN. NOW!

(*Hi, if you hate plamsashipping, thats fine. Just, please don't hate others if they like it. Hippity hoppity, If you hate others for liking Ninjago, get off my property!*)

Kai x Jay, 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘰𝘺 (ON HOLD.)Where stories live. Discover now