Chapter 27

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Adam's POV

The next morning, I get up and walk down to make a coffee and I then get to work on making the bath bombs in the office. I am engrossed in what I am doing that I don't take notice of the door opening. I am startled when a pair of hands land on my shoulders. I jump and pour too much of the green food coloring in the mixture, but I don't care.

I look up to see Tommy standing behind me and he leans down and says "I'm sorry about last night babe it was just too funny from our point of view. But I still love you even though you are bright blue everywhere". I look up at him and growl, but he leans down and starts to kiss my neck.

He pulls away after a while and turns my chair around so he can sit on my lap. He takes his shirt off then mine and start to kiss my neck again. We sit there kissing for a bit until I pull away and I say to him "hang on babe I need to put these in the freezer for a while". He gets up and I walk into the kitchen to put them in the freezer. Then make my way back to the office. I glance out the sliding door to the back yard and see Ant, Tim and Edna relaxing in the sun.

I walk back into the office and I am surprised when I do as I am slammed against the wall by Tommy and he locks the door. He starts to kiss up my neck and he says in my ear quiet huskily "baby is going to ride his daddy Smurf like he did yesterday". I moan as he says that, and I lead us over to the chair. I sit on the chair but soon I am pulled up by Tommy so he can take my shorts and underwear off.

Before long Tommy is screaming my name and I scream his too as we come down from our high.

We sit there for a bit longer as we get breath back and I get up and make my way to the door with Tommy still in my arms. I run upstairs so we can get freshened up.

At lunch time the others are picking on Tommy and I. Edna says to us "alright dad and papa Smurf I could hear you from the kitchen. Did you have fun screaming each other's name and moaning loudly". I look up at her and was about to say something as Tommy is sitting next to me bright red but my phone rings from the bench where I left it and Edna says, "I will get it". She gets up to get my phone and she hands it to me and says, "It's your brother papa Smurf".

I take my phone from her and say, "very funny just you wait little girl". I say hello into the phone but all I can hear is Neil laughing and he says, "ok why is she calling you papa Smurf"? I groan and say, "don't worry about long story". He then tells me what he rang me for, and he tells me that no one knew that Tommy's ex had left the country, so he doesn't know why she is here. I thank him and say goodbye then hang up and turn to the others and say "I just found out that no one knew that Tommy's ex had left the country so if we want we can get the cops and she will go down as she is still on parole. But first I want to find out why she is here, so we need to maybe set a trap for her". They all nod their heads and Tim says "yes let's do that. I will help however I can". I just had an idea come in my head and I say "how about we lure her out of hiding. We will all go out and separate and see if she corners one of us. We will have a code that we can text to everyone if we need them"? I look around the table and I can see smiles all around but then Tommy says, "what if we don't see her and she grabs one of us from behind"? I think for a minute but can't come up with anything, but Ant says "ok how about Edna goes on her own and Tim and I follow her? Then you can follow Tommy to see if maybe she will come out of hiding"? I think for a bit the Tim says, "not a bad idea but she knows what Adam and I look like as we escorted her out of the funeral that day". Ant nods his head and says "ok but she won't know Addy's security team. We will get one of them to follow behind as they will just look like any normal shopper". I nod my head and say "great idea let's try this on Sunday. Andy and Edna can go one way you and Tim can go another and Tommy and I will go a different way and I will get 2 guards each to follow". Tim nods his head and says, "great idea".

The rest of the day flies by and just after dinner I get a text from Neil and he says "did you have fun Papa Smurf. By the way love the look. Blue skin really suits you". I know exactly what he means by that and it is only one person that I know would have told him. Edna: I call out to her and she comes in and says, "yes papa Smurf". I turn to her and say "you wait karma is a bitch and a bigger bitch then your mother. So, Karma is going to come and bite you on the arse". Tommy looks at us and he says to Edna "baby girl what have you done to your father now"? She pulls her phone out and hands it to him and he cracks up but then his smile falls, and he says, "baby girl where did you get that"? I look over at him and say "what"? He hands me her phone and it is a picture of Tommy sitting on my lap and we both have no shirts on, and we are kissing. I know it was taken today before we locked the office door. Tommy turns to her and says "baby girl you know better than to take a photo like that and send it to your uncle. Please don't take photos like that again. That moment was a private moment between your papa and I. You know we love you and are only just trying to protect you. If that picture got out into the wrong hands anything could happen especially if your mother got a hold of it. She could use that against us as being inappropriate in front of a minor. Please delete it". I look up at her and say, "baby girl we are not mad at you we are trying to protect you and we don't want to lose you". She looks at us and says, "I'm sorry dad and papa I wasn't going to send it but Uncle Neil asked if I had any more so he can embarrass papa when he sees him again". We nod our heads and I say, "its ok baby girl just please don't do it again". She nods her head and walks back up to her room.

During the movie Ant turns to me and says, "so how did the bath bombs go"? I say to him "I did some and they are up in the main bathroom. Why don't you try one"? He nods his head and says, "yeah I think I will". He gets up and kisses Tim and says he will be back. We are just sitting there watching the movie just relaxing as I will have to do work tomorrow. I want to write a new song about Tommy's ex.

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