Chapter 41

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Edna's POV

The night I helped Uncle Tim out with his surprise for Uncle Ant I had fun. It was actually fun to help them out and it made feel useful. Now I know how dad felt when papa needed his help. It made dad feel like he was needed and that's how I felt.

That was until the next day when Andy was ignoring me. He was too busy looking at God only knows what to pay any attention to me.

I told him I wanted to go home as dad and papa were due back and I missed them both so much, but no Andy wanted me to stay another night. Why? I don't know because all he has done is ignore me. I got cranky with him after he ignored me for a good 3 hours.

I was sitting in their spare room by myself so I decided I would ring dad to see if he can come and get me. He said he would.

I walked up to Andy and told him that dad was coming to get me. He yelled at me and asked me why, so I told him straight out I don't like being ignored for hours on end. Ok I get he is trying to get his career off the ground, but does he really need to ignore me like he is?

I yelled at him and walked away to grab my things as I know dad will be here soon. He tried to run after me and get me to stay but I ignored him.

I heard what sounded like Uncle Tim's car so I picked up my stuff and told Andy goodbye and I will see him tomorrow.

I walked out the door and down to the car. I hear a door close and I look up to see papa getting out. I just run to him and threw myself in his arms careful of his shoulder. I cried in his arms for a bit until he pulled me away and asked me what was wrong. I told him what happened, and I know he was cranky, but he didn't do anything which is good.

I got in the back of the car with dad and he asked me what was wrong, so I told him and Uncle Tim.

On the way home Uncle Tim told me what happened to Uncle Ant and I leaned forward and said he will be ok Uncle Tim I know he will he loves you. Uncle Tim nodded his head and said I know it was just scary. I say yeah, I know the day I saved dad was scary as you both know.

Dad grabs my hand and says I'm sorry baby girl. I didn't mean to scare you. I look at dad and say it's ok. I'm just glad that you are all ok. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to my family.

Papa turns in his seat to look at me and says nothing is going to happen to us baby girl. I'm going to look after you and I'm going to look after your dad. I love you both so much. I nod my head and say I love you both too and Uncle Tim and Uncle Ant.

I sit back just relaxing in the seat on the way home just thinking how lucky I am to have a family like I do. Ok my Mother is a bitch but when dad and papa married it became official that papa adopted me. Dad and papa started the adoption process before they got married. Papa has said so many times that he couldn't wait to adopt me. I know they wouldn't let him adopt me until him and dad were married. I think that was so wrong them saying that. I think it made dad want to marry papa sooner so I could grow up in a stable home.

I think back to the time that my mother wanted me back. I can only remember bit and pieces, but I remember dad got depressed and left papa after mum took me back. I remember hearing it on the news as papa cancelled his tour so he could spend all his time looking for dad. I must zone out and before I know it dad shakes me gently and says here you are baby girl. He hands me a chocolate sundae. I take it from dad and say thanks dad.

I look out the window to see we are nearly home.

After we got home and we all walked inside, I looked up at dad and I squeal when I notice his hair. It's pink. I run into his arms and say I love your hair dad it looks amazing. Dad thanks me and papa comes up pulling us both into his arms and says he got it done the other day. I thought I would spoil him. I know he hasn't had it done in a while.

We stand like that for a bit until my phone ringing disturbs us. I groan as I really don't want to move but I know I need to when papa groans in pain. I look up at papa at the same time dad does and dad says will you stop moving your arm and shoulder. It's going to take ages for it to heal babe please. Papa looks at him and says its ok don't worry that pretty head of yours, but I will try to not move it. It's just hard. I don't like only having 1 arm around you. I really like having both arms around you. I laugh as papa is so stubborn like that.

I pull my phone out as it rings again, and I see its Andy. I really don't want to talk to him just yet so I hand it to dad and say can you please tell Andy that I will talk to him tomorrow after I have seen Uncle Ant. Dad nods his head and answers it with Hey Andy its Tommy Edna's dad. She will talk to you tomorrow. She needs to deal with a family emergency. Her Uncle Anthony is in hospital. She will call you tomorrow after she has come home from the hospital. I'm really sorry but she wants to spend time with her family. Dad hangs up and hands my phone back.

Dad then kisses papa and says I'm off to bed babe I'm buggered it's been an emotional day for me. I hug dad goodnight then papa says ok babe I will be up soon. I Love you. I kiss dad goodnight and papa and I watch him walk up the stairs

I smile at that and Uncle Tim walks in from the kitchen and says to Papa we need to organise a bit more on this thing. I think we should bring it forward after today I think Ant really needs this. Papa says yeah good idea. How about in 2 weeks' time? Uncle Tim nods his head and looks at me and says do you think we can do it in 2 weeks? I nod my head and say absolutely we can. I had an idea for the back yard, and I reckon if we can get dad and Uncle Ant out of the house in the morning, we can get it done. It's just how we are going to do that. Papa says its ok we can get them to go shopping. I nod my head and say Ok then. Oh, one more thing papa who can we get over here for dad. Papa thinks for a bit and says I don't know he doesn't talk to his sister or anyone else. I will ring Neil tomorrow and see if he will come for it. They get along. I will just have Uncle Neil there. It's more for Uncle Ant and your dad. Uncle Tim nods his head and says yeah, I will ask Ants mum and dad to come and that's it. As long as your dad and Uncle Ant are ok and happy that's the main thing.

I nod my head and say yeah, I just want them happy too.

After that is organized, I head up to bed myself with papa following behind me. I turn to papa just as I get to my room and say papa is dad okay. He doesn't seem himself. Papa nods his head and says yeah, he didn't sleep well last night and today he was the one to find your uncle. He is in shock that's all. I'm watching him. I will not let anything happen to him. I nod my head and say Ok I'm going to stay around here for a few days. So, if you need to, I can watch dad.

Papa nods his head and says ok thanks baby girl but I'm on a forced break here. I can't do anything. But one thing I do want to do is make up to you and your dad when I yelled at you both. So maybe tomorrow we can do something as a family after we see your uncle.

I nod my head and say that will be good papa. I know I haven't spent time around here lately and after today when Andy ignored me, I'm going to stay away from him. I want to help you and dad out and I also promised to help Uncle Tim. So that's what I'm going to do.

After papa and I finished talking I gave him a hug and walked into my room. I fell face first on my bed I'm that tired. I need sleep in my own bed for a while.

I doze off to sleep thinking of other ways of helping my family out. I can't lose my family. I have come so close to losing dad a few times, papa once and now Uncle Ant. I vow to myself that I'm going to watch them.

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