💙💘Mafia! Bucky Barnes X Reader💙💘

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Not proofread, all mistakes are my own 

Bucky heard the door slam throughout the house, followed by a scream and cry of frustration, sadness, and anger. He leapt from his chair, his paperwork long forgotten, and dashed down to you. Millions of questions flooded his mind. Were you hurt? Was your boss a dick again?

He looked down from the staircase and frowned, jogging down the stairs and going by your side. You were sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall with your head in your hands, as he heard small sobs.

You looked up at him and immediately wrapped your arms around him; you weren't hurt—at least not psychically; mentally is another story.

He pulled you into his lap and held you close, one hand rubbing your back and the other on your head, gently stroking your hair.

"Derek?" He asked, and you nodded. He took a few deep breaths, stopping himself from getting his group and murdering that son of a bitch.

Derek was your boss, and he wasn't a good man either; he puts you under immense stress, orders you around like a ragdoll, gets frustrated with you when you do something that isn't his way, and there are a million other things that everyone hates him for.

"He got mad at me for doing something that he told me to do!" And then he yelled at me for not doing it correctly, and--and he threatened to fire me if I didn't straighten out my priorities!" You sobbed, gasping for air as you spoke.

"Okay, Dragă. "Breathe for me, okay?" he asked. "In," he breathed in, and held it for a few seconds "out"

You copied his breathing patterns; it calms you down, so now you weren't hyperventilating.

Bucky appeared calm and collected on the outside, but he was livid on the inside. Nobody would treat his wife with such disdain, and he was fucking furious. You had been putting up with Derek and his... behaviour before he even met you, and he could tell you were slowly breaking.

"You can't keep on letting him treat you like this, baby; it's not good for you, and I hate seeing you like this, so I say quit." He said softly, "Stay with me; you won't need to lay a finger down." He didn't want you to go through this any longer; he's seen your breakdowns; he's seen you at your most vulnerable, and he always picks you up and helps you get out of them. But you end up sliding back in because of Derek.

"Nu-uh, can't." You say this while wiping your eyes and staring at him through bloodshot eyes. "We... agreed that I would stay as his secretary until he found a new one and I could leave, but that was years ago, and he hasn't even looked for one since!" You explain, a tear slipping from your eye. "I stupidly signed a contract"

"Oh, sweetheart," He frowned as he drew you in for another hug, his strong arms wrapping around the small of your back, vanilla wood filling your nose—the one you gave him for his birthday a few years ago. It was your favourite, and it always made you doze off, and that's what you did. You fell asleep in his arms on the floor, exhausted from everything that happened today. 

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