🤍💙Lumberjack!Bucky X reader💙🤍

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You made Bucky mad, and he makes you apologize for your "wrongdoing"

Warnings: Manipulation, implied noncon/dubcon depending on how you interpret it, fighting, tell me if I missed anything

Mistakes are my own, feedback is highly appreciated. Please don't republish as your own.

You didn't hear the door slam, you didn't even hear him come into the house or walk upstairs and open the door.

"Honey," he spoke from the doorway, his voice soft and soft and smooth.

You sucked up a breath and slowly lifted your head, the ache at the back of your neck made you wince. Your arms and legs were bound to the bed so you couldn't escape.

Bucky had two things in hand, a small thin box and something that looked like a bouquet. The black room made it hard to tell just from the light behind him.

"Hey there," he greeted, turning on the lights with a smile on his face.

Wincing at the sudden brightness, you closed your eyes and waited to adjust to the light before opening them. The first thing that caught your eye wasn't the gifts, but how sweaty he was, his red and white chequered flannel shirt was open revealing his chiselled and toned chest, his skin sheen with sweat, his hair was scruffed up, strands escaped the hair tie and was free to go wild, a few strands sticking up from his scalp. You couldn't lie, he always looked good after chopping down some trees, and while he's doing it is even better. Some days if you wake up early enough, you can hear him grunt and groan, followed by the sound of wood splitting.

Shaking your head and clearing your mind, your eyes wander to the gifts; a box of your favourite chocolate and a bouquet, bright red and fresh roses and soft pink tulips with other flowers and green decorations you didn't know the name of. It was nice, considerate even, but it was from him. And you didn't want anything from him.

"You like them? I picked them myself, thought of you," he explained with a smile, walking over to you, his heavy boots making the floorboards creak with every step. You still wonder how he gets around the house with no shoes in silence.

"Don't want them," you hissed, turning your head and facing away from him.

A month you've been here. A month being in this room. A month being in this house unwillingly. You just walked passed his shop a few months ago, and here you are, tied to a bed so you can't escape, no one looking for you, and with James fucking Barnes. The hot lumberjack who is the most fucked up person you've ever met!

Bucky was stunned at your words, he gets up at the ass crack of dawn to work, and then he feeds you and cares for you even when you're having a bad day. He thought it'll be nice to treat you, but this is how you repay him?

"I'm sorry?" He asked as it came out as a chuckle, keeping his anger at bay.

"You heard me! I. Don't.want.them." You spat, turning your heat, eyebrows furrow, your jaw tight before you looked away again.

The control over his anger snapped.

"Listen here, missy!" He yelled, grabbing your shirt and yanking you towards him, earning him a gasp.

"I'm the only one who works around here; I feed you, I look after you, I make sure you're comfortable, I make sure that you're happy here. And this is the thanks I get?" He snarled. "I try my damn hardest, and this is what I get. Someone who is an ungrateful girl! Thanks, it lets me know I'm appreciated around here!"

He threw you back down on the bed, bouncing at the force as you watched him storm out, slamming the door behind him and storming down the stairs. You didn't know when you started to cry but you felt the hot tears trickle down your cheeks. You hated yelling in general, and that lost you. You hated it.

You kept your sobs at bay as you laid down on the comfortable bed, the soft pillows embarrassing you and your tears. You couldn't even hug yourself since the restraints were too short.

You stared at the blank ceiling as tears continued to flow. You didn't get it though. You were crying over him yelling at you. He was upset. And that made you upset. Why? It shouldn't have! What's happening?

It took you a few minutes to calm down but the sounds of Bucky grunting and the sound of the logs being split in two in one or two hits wasn't a good sign.

You turned to your side and listened to his grunts as they lulled you to sleep, the pillow still wet on your cheek.

Bucky had walked back in a few hours later, his anger gone and what was left was hurt. He wanted to care for you. He loves you! Yes, he did take you from your home, but it was for a good cause! You love him too. He knows it. You may not yet, but he knows that deep down in that big heart of yours, you love him and you'll forgive everything that he's done.

He sighed as he made his way upstairs with a glass of water. He saw red when he was yelling at you, but when he heard the soft sobs after he walked out made his heart shatter into a million pieces. But it is what you deserve. You're in his house, and he rests you like a guest but you're rude. Hopefully, you've learnt.

Slowly, he opened the door to your room and smiled as he saw you sleeping peacefully. You did look a little uncomfortable due to the soft rope, but he had to ensure you weren't going anywhere.

Bucky silently walked over to you, sliding off his shoes and quietly laying next to you on top of the covers. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you to his chest. You must have woken up from it because you looked behind you, your face had fear written all over it.

"I do anything for you, I do everything. I thought that you'd like them, but apparently not..." he mumbled, shaking his head "think you have something to say to me,"

Your brain screamed at you to not say anything, to keep your eyes away from his, but your eyes met his beautiful blue ones. The softness towards you, the love and admiration no one ever gave you. "I'm sorry, Bucky. Having a bad day..." you whisper, looking down. "I do like them I just... miss home,"

"This is your home, honey. I promise, it will look better than this with our children, but baby steps," he smiled, planting a kiss on your head before kissing down your cheek, to your neck.

"I think I have an idea how to cheer you up,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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