A Last Ditch Effort

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As the Venator continued to drift towards the moon's surface, pieces kept falling off of it and exploding. Inside the ship, it started to rock back and forth, with alarms blaring, as Clones made their way down the corridors, and Maul waited for them to pass before rushing down another hall himself.

In the hanger bay control room, the group waited for R7, with Rex asking the Astromech, "Any luck with those doors?"

The Droid gave a beep, with Ahsoka then asking, "And the ships?" A few moments later, R7 opened two hanger bay doors to reveal the Republic Shuttle and the gifted Gaunlet Fighter.

Seeing them, Dawn cheered, "There they are."

However, when R7 opened the last of the hanger bay doors, they revealed no other ships, but all the remaining Clones; Regular ones, 501st ones, 501st ones with Ahsoka's symbol, and Courascant Guard ones, waiting. After the doors opened, and the Clones rushed out, Rex pointed out, "They were waiting for us."

The Clones all stood at attention in the center of the room, in the direction of the only door to the room. Jesse walked over in front of them and told them, "Hold your position, men. If they try to leave they'll have to go through us."

Up in the control room, Rex asked, "So what do we do? Fight our way to the ships?"

Ahsoka told him, "There are too many. Besides, I don't want to hurt them."

Serena added, "Neither do we." Dawn and Goh nodded in agreement.

Rex began to say, "I hate to tell you this, but they don't care." He pointed outside, "This ship is going down. And those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die and take all of us along with them!"

There was a moment of silence before a sad-looking Ahsoka walked over to Rex and removed the Clone's helmet, revealing Rex crying his eyes out. As the Clone turned his head away in shame, Goh said with sadness, "Oh, Rex."

Hawk held his head down and told them, with his own sadness, "I know what he's going through. I can't believe it's come to this because of those Chips!"

Ashoka put a comforting hand on Rex's shoulder and said, "You're a good soldier, Rex." She pointed outside, "So is every one of those men down there. They may be willing to die, but I am not the one who is going to kill them."

Rex turned to her and asked, "So we're just going to surrender? Admit defeat? Is that it?"

She shook her head, "No."

"Well, I don't see any other option."

Dawn told them, "Neither do we."

Hawk said, "They don't know that I've changed sides yet, but that doesn't give us much of an advantage."

Goh stated, "So we can't do anything?"

Ahsoka stepped over to look out the window at the readied troops below, before turning back to the group, "I have an idea." The group looked at her confused, "Don't worry. It's a good one. I think." As she gave Rex his helmet back, she turned to the others and asked, "Can I count on all of you?"

The three Droids happily beeped, while Serena gave a thumbs up, "Of course."

Goh added, "We're here no matter what."

Dawn jumped in, "No need to worry."

Their Pokemon cheered too, while Hawk nodded, "I'll follow you anywhere, Commander."

Ahsoka stated, "Good. I'll explain on the way." The group began to make their way out of the room.

Inside the hangar bay, the Clones continued to wait. Just then, Jesse's com beeped and a Clone reported over it, "Sir, we think Maul might be heading your way. Be aware."

Dawn, Serena, and Goh's Adventures of Star Wars: The Siege of MandaloreWhere stories live. Discover now