Really, Man?

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Alright, welcome, here's a disclaimer about me not owning most of this (you readers can skip this, but you Wattpad police, yes, it's here)

Once upon a time, I read a comment on another fanfic on this site, specifically one called Phantasm (Sorry if I spelled it wrong). Anyway, that comment inspired me to make this fanfic, so yes, there will be a lot of similarities and I can't claim to own a lot of this because one, I don't own httyd or any of those characters including Hiccup, Astrid, Dagur, Gobber, Alvin and everybody else in that franchise, and two, a lot of the character traits and roles have such heavy inspiration from Phantasm and that saying I own it would conflict the first point and it would be basically theft from the user known as Vala411 (the writer of Phantasm), and theft is an evil thing.

ANYWAY, here's the book that about five of you have seriously been waiting for.

It was just another crazy day in the town of Berk, or was it a normal day... I mean, crazy is normal for this town. It was just another day in the town of Berk when suddenly, the police station blew up, now, I know what you're thinking and no, it wasn't even bad guys that did it, nor was it the two menaces who go by Thorston. It was just a result of someone failing a test on how to defuse a bomb. Yeah, totally normal.

Why they do that in the police station is beyond me, but they do. Now, it wasn't supposed to be the entire police station, just the one room, so maybe bad guys or Thorstons were involved, but only maybe.

Wait, why is everything gone black and why is it that it looks like 3 pm already?

"So you see, Miss Spiky, I am the one who is in control of this situation, for is it I who has the hostage" Oh, great, just great, it's the freaking Deranged supervillain. I can't even remember what his full villain name is because he changes it every other week. "Hey, Zappy! Think you could not kidnap me next time?" Why am I not absolutely terrified? See, about 3 months ago, I heard him overtalking with someone who asked why he only kidnapped me. His response, something about me being small and cuddly, yeah, great, I know.

Anyway, he's busy ranting to the hero, so I suppose I should escape. I quietly just slide out of the ropes he's tied me to the building with and enter the building through the roof.

At some point, I hear him bragging about having a hostage. At this point, I chuckle to myself and then hear the hero, who I've now realized is the newly appointed Nadder superhero, remark "What hostage?" Seriously, I was halfway down the stairs, halfway to freedom, and you freaking ruin it.

I just stop and wait and sure enough, Deranged finds me with her holding back and watching. I can tell she's surprised when he doesn't even attack me and just groans.

"Ok, seriously, Zappy, why are you surprised I got out when I've been doing it for years?" "I'm not surprised I'm just disappointed in you. Why can't you help a brother out and just stay put for once?" "Ok, look, I know you think that this is the best thing I have to do but– hrmmnnrggghh."

And just like that, there's a bag over my head and I'm dragged away. The last thing I hear before I'm knocked out is "Sorry he's so stubborn, hey, do you think gummy bears would work?"

And scene, like I said incredibly heavy inspiration. Don't worry, it won't just be the same story, but I couldn't figure out a better way to start it off.

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