Chapter 2

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Alright, here's chapter 2, and this is where the differences seriously start to show


"Ok, look, I know you think that this is the best thing I have to do but– hrmmnnrggghh."

And just like that, there's a bag over my head and I'm dragged away. The last thing I hear before I'm knocked out is "Sorry he's so stubborn, hey, do you think gummy bears would work?"

Great, freaking great, twice today, why? Alright, let's see, this is probably Alvin, he's the only one who would take me from Dagur.

"Alright lads, hostage taken, begin stage one." Yep, Alvin...

"Hey Al, I have to go to school tomorrow, you think we could do this another day or should I just sleep here tonight?" "You're staying here tonight 'iccup, not sure why you still ask because the answer won't change."

"You know me, always curious, usually wanting to go home after being kidnapped."

" 'ight laddie, I'll get a pillow for ya then" "Thanks for the pillow, though I'd still rather not be here." And with those words, I'm off to sleep.

I wake to a rather severe vibration rattling through the metal high table they strap me, literally the only person they ever take hostage, to.

"Get up kid, time for school." "Alright. Oh, thanks for the pillow and blanket. Bye!" "See ya, kid!"

After that short exchange, I'm off to school. Today is the day, the beginning of the second half of the school year. On this day, all seniors enter the first day of 'Bonding Class'.

The first day of this class is unusual. See, here in Berk, well, in the entire Barbaric Archipelago, there be dragons. Well, not exactly. See, a long, long time ago, on this very island, there was a guy, we don't know his name. Anyway, this guy ended a 300-year-long war between Vikings and dragons. But after a few short years, for the safety of both Viking and dragon, the dragons had to leave. Where they went, we were supposed to remember, but, as Vikings value brawn over brains, we forgot all the details in like, two generations.

Great, right?

Anyway, the dragons could tell we had forgotten because they were dragons and they can do things we can't, the most obvious things being fly and shoot fire/acid/water or very rarely ice/plasma. So, one day, a dragon's spirit appeared to someone, and then dragon spirits started popping up everywhere that dragons had once lived.

Some dragons even chose humans to 'bond' with. Normally, this happens at some random time, but there is a limit to the age at which it can happen. The earlier the bonding occurs, the more powerful the person will become. If you don't have a bonded dragon, your assignment for the first day is to skip the rest of school that day and come to class tomorrow bonded. So today I go to this class and face the ridicule that comes with being unbonded.

Don't get me wrong, I am bonded, I just pretend I'm not because of how early I bonded and what dragon I'm bonded to because if people knew, I would be very popular. Yes, I do want friends, but I want my friends to be friends with who I am, not with what species my bonded dragon is.

Anyway, the school day is normal, well, normal for me. See, my school day typically consists of multiple other seniors beating me up just for not being bonded. It's normal up to a point, see, during lunch, I'm typically insulted and whatnot by none other than Snotlout Jorgenson, my cousin. Isn't that freaking lovely?

So imagine my surprise when at lunchtime, I'm not insulted, no. Instead, he comes up to me and goes "Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I've been treating you over the past however long it's been"

Tada, chapter 2 is done, I can't think of a name for this one so comment here if you have any ideas and I'll let you know.

Feel free to read my other things on here while you wait. (yes, there are other fanfics I've written (they're probably about just as good/bad/whatever))

Donec iterum conveniamus

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