A Terrorble Classtime

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I'm still alive, don't know why you would wonder, but hey.

Anyway, how is it so far?

Don't be afraid to comment, yes, that means you, the 2 or 3 people who are reading this as it comes out.


Oh hey, a terror. Why is it flying straight at my face? Oww, that hurt. Wait, what, it hurt, and it's stuck to my face. And I can touch it. No... no freaking way. I found a real, physical dragon, well, it found me, but still. "And you just curl up around my neck, because of course you do." I'm gonna head home now and take the little guy up to my room and we can hang out there.

Ok, this is confusing me. Why exactly did the Terror latch right onto my face like it thinks my face is a cushion? I don't know, anyway, I try to talk to the Terrible Terror, wow, say that three times fast. Anyway, I do this by talking to Toothless who tells the Terror who responds to Toothless who tells me, and so on. Get this, that Skrill that I found earlier, I was right, it was already bonded, so when it saw this Terror, it basically told said dragon to find someone with my color hair, my color eyes, my... really, my "lack of muscles" ok sure. Ok, so this Terror is going to pose as my bonded dragon and...

Wait, there's nothing that says you can't bond with multiple dragons, only multiple dragon spirits... So maybe I don't have to lie about being bonded to the Terror, I mean, the little dragon already really likes me for some gods-known reason. Wow, that's quite a charming view of the sunset. Wait, sunset... ALREADY. Ok, I'll just go to sleep now.

"Good morning Toothless, I had a really weird dre– OW, what just hit my face?

So it wasn't a dream... yay.

As I walk to school, hiding the Terror because I want to keep him a secret until class time, I just so happen to see Alvin robbing a restaurant. "Alvin, why, exactly, are you doing that? You know they won't have anything during the middle of our extra bad part of winter." Ignored again, understandable.

So I've made it to school now, weird that literally nobody has done anything to me on my way to school, I mean, they definitely were watching and waiting, I mean I'm not scary in any way, like at all. ...

Lunchtime and nothing bad has happened yet... This is getting just a bit weird.

Oh well, I won't think too much about it and hopefully, it will just continue.

Somehow I've made it to class. "Hey, Hiccup, what did you find, oh, wait, you're Hiccup, no way you found any dragon." "Thank you, for your vote of confidence, Ruff."

"Oh, hey, look, our teacher is here." "Hiccup, what kind of dragon did you bond with yesterday?" "A terror..." Cue the laughter, everybody laughing at the useless kid who only found a terror during an entire day of searching.

Hang on, why are Dagur's pants on fire? Unless... that is not good, not good at all, why is my dragon just setting fire to people's pants. Well, everybody is freaking out, I suppose I should at least try to get everybody quiet. Charge up a plasma blast, and boom. "Uh, Gobber, what kind of blast was that?" "That was the kinda blast that means you all should SHUT UP ... what happened to my leg, who took a bite out of it." Silence, dead silence.

I'm just going to end this one here because it's getting a bit long.

Again, let me know how it is and don't be afraid to comment.

Donec iterum conveniamus 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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