You Have Got To Be Kidding Me

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So, how is it?

Since I know waiting for answers would mean this would take about 800 years to get this part published, I'm just going to keep writing this.


So imagine my surprise when at lunchtime, I'm not insulted, no. Instead, he comes up to me and goes "Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I've been treating you over the past however long it's been"

I'm sorry, what? Did he just... apologize... to me? What's next, the twins apologizing to everyone for every single one of their pranks? "Ok, is this some kind of cruel joke or a prank of some kind... because I don't...." "That's... fair, you probably want me to explain why I'm doing this." Ok, since when is he so insightful? "Yes, that would be nice..."

"Ok, so, you probably don't know this, being unbonded and all, but, when you bond, you and your dragon go through each other's memories and so, Hookfang, my bonded, was rather confused and pointed out that you had never done anything to me to warrant what I've done. I told him to look farther back and then he showed me how our whole situation started. It was originally just cousins playfully insulting each other, like you would call me a muttonhead and I would call you a fishbone, but we knew the insults were jokes. After the third or fourth time we did this, Dad approached me and said something about how I did a great job telling you what you really were. And you know how my relationship with him was at that point, so I was so glad to be doing something right that I kept doing it, and then I just forgot why we did it in the first place... I understand if you won't believe me. Just know that I'm truly sorry and I'm going to ease up."

"But you won't stop because that was your ticket to popularity and friendship and you don't want to suddenly stand up for the weird kid everybody picks on?" "You know me so well."

"Alright, look, I'll try to forgive you IF you ease up and try to get everybody else to ease up a bit as well."

"I'll do my best, cuz." "Thank you, and give Hookfang my thanks as well."

Ok, that went... rather well. I'm still not sure I believe this.

Owwwww, that hurt. "I CAN NOT BELIEVE you said that about me..." "You know, Astrid, that hurt... Anyway, say what, I haven't mentioned you in weeks, even then it was just about everybody I used to know."

"Wait what? But they said..." "Let me guess, Eret, Dagur, and Thuggory, the three people who beat the crap out of me on the daily, approached you and told you I said something mean about you. And you didn't think if they just wanted to watch you beat me up." "I mean... when you put it like that..." "Seriously, have you never learned to take what they say with a teaspoon of salt?" "I- I- Fair enough"

Well, this was a weird day so far, at least she didn't realize how quickly I developed a bruise and oh look at that, it's gone. At least those three are going to get their asses kicked.

Wait, that hurt a lot more than normal... No way... You have got to be kidding me

Poor Hiccup, he doesn't even have any idea just how weird this day is about to get.

So, any thoughts on what he realizes at the end?

Anyway, thank you for reading this (and whatever else of mine you've read).

Oh, and how do you like my new sign-off?

Donec iterum conveniamus

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