Reaction break 2

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Drake: Alright break time. This time I'll show you something new.

Zhongli: New?

Drake: But first. Make bets about the situation that I'll describe, choose what you want to bet though.

After a few minutes of discussing everyone agreed on betting money. 50 000 mora each.

Drake: Now the situation. A heavily injured man fights alone against 100 men wielding a very heavy sword with only one hand. Your choices are, either he wins and survives or he loses and dies. I'll say this before you make bets, those who cannot handle a LOT of blood, death and violence will be teleported out along with children. This is not something easy to watch and it won't be pretty.

After a bit of thinking the said people chose to leave: Noelle, Yun Jin, Chongyun, Layla, Collei, Fischl, Razor(because of Lisa), Faruzan, Kazuha(Because of Beidou, his self-proclaimed mom), Heizou, Sucrose, Barbara, Nilou, Bennett, Xinyan, Xiangling, Amber, along with children.

Ayato: Sister are you sure you want to see this? As he said it won't be pretty.

Ayaka: I'm sure.

Ayato: Alright. 'Please if you can hear me, teleport her out as soon as you start'

Drake looked at Ayato and nodded. After everyone were teleported everyone started making bets and most bet that he will lose, the only ones betting on his win were Mona, Lumine, Yelan, Beidou and Itto.

Drake: Alright, if that's all let's start. (I chose this just because to me it looked better and cos the rest of the videos I found were in 240p or 144p)

He snapped his fingers and as soon as it started Ayaka was teleported away.

On the screen it immediately showed a man surrounded by 100 Knights. The man was very injured and just cut in two 2 Knights that rushed at him and slammed one into the ground with the hilt of his sword.

Guts: 'The hell am I doing here, in this miserable place'

He man got shot by 2 arrows and he deflected one but the other hit him in the leg.

Guts: 'I'm risking my life, for what exactly'

The man leaned on his sword and pulled out the arrow from his leg. Then he got shot by 2 more arrows but he blocked them and then rushed at the Knights behind him and killed them. A few more Knights rushed at him from behind but he swung his sword with ease and killed them while flinging them away from him. Then a light music played and another voice was heard. The man put his sword on his shoulder and walked and stood in the center of the battlefield. Everything then moved slower and the Knights from around him rushed to attack. The clip showed a white haired man(a cunt) standing in front of the fountain and then changed back to the battlefield. The man closed his eyes and the music got lower. Then it started actively playing and the man opened his eyes. In the next moment he started to swing his sword and cleaving any knight that got close to him in two. Some of them he cut their heads off. When they saw how easily he was killing them the Knights got horrified and started to run away.

Guts: 'This isn't the time for thinking. I should focus on wielding my sword, and I will kill them. Nothing more'

The man swung his sword at every man that came close, he ran at those who backed away and with each and only one swing he killed them all brutally without remorse. He saw the rest of the Knights retreating and with a mighty scream he rushed at them to finish the job. Then the video stopped and the screen turned off.

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