Chapter 1: Job

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May 20 1985

The school bell rang loudly than ever, simulating that the kids could finally go home for summer break, they thought they could finally get out of that prison..Irene walked out the classroom door, seeing students bustling the halls a bit quicker than usual..among those was her friend Molly, who waved at her to get her attention. "Hey! So, I feel like, we should get a job for summer break!" Irene scoffed. "Ha! A job! As what?" She said from confusion.

"Well, I'm thinking...maybe as Camp Counselors? I'll call you on the telephone soon.." Irene was wearing a black leather jacket, and some baggy jeans that were ripped. She had long blonde hair with a tint of black. Irene had her tan backpack with her, She put her headphones in there and grabbed it, putting it on her back. "So, if we get the job, when will it fucking start? Because I need to tell my parents.." Irene didn't like this job, her main goal was to try to learn rock music and maybe even be a musician for rock. Molly said "Well, I'll let you know soon, okay?"

May 21 1985

Irene woke up due to her alarm clock..she turned it off and got out of bed, she went in the kitchen, smelling the smell of bacon and toast..Molly was knocking on the door. Irene answered it. "What the heck are you doing here? I'm not even dressed yet.." Molly yelled "WE GOT THE JOB!" She squealed. "We have to be there June 10th!" Irene sat there in silence. "The fuck!? I never wanted this jo-" her mom said "Stop cursing I can hear you!" Molly squealed, "isn't it fun?" She scoffed and closed the door. "Wait- welp.." She wiped off her glasses.

Meanwhile, a boy was with his parents. They sat down, watching tv. "Hey, that camp counselor job could be good for you Samuel! Maybe you, Molly, and Irene can go?" Samuel said "nah, I don't think so-" Samuel was an energetic guy, an athletic guy, he wanted to play football when he'd grow up and live with Molly..he had a crush on her since they started high school, he never addressed the message though. His mom, Jenny, gently placed his breakfast on the table, it was eggs and toast.

"Eat up!" His little sister, Mary,came downstairs, "Ooh! Pancakes!" She grabbed her plate and sat across her big brother. She knew he liked Molly, but revealed it to their parents..she was very annoying and silly..."Just tell her already! I'm tired of keeping this among you and our parents!" Samuel said " I just- don't know how.." Mary sat in silence. "Just tell her straight out..its so easy!" He glared at her. "It's not, but in kindergarten I remember your "boyfriend " John.."

"That was nothing! He was the weirdest kid in the class.." Mom said "Be quiet! Let's eat up okay?"

After breakfast, Molly knocked on their front door. "Samuelll! Your crush is here!" Mary exclaimed. "Shut up.." he walked to the front door and opened it."Oh- uh, hi!" Molly said "Well, I applied you to the camp counselor job! Irene is coming as well..!" Samuel stuttered with his words, Mary came up to the front door."what he is trying to translate with this stuttering  language of his, is that he li-" he covered her mouth. "Shut up!" He whispered to her. Molly stood there in confusion. "Uh..I'll just go.." She closed the door."My God, look what you did!" Samuel exclaimed, Mary scoffed. "Well I was gonna tell her either yea!"

"I wish I could choke you with the force of my bare hands.." Mary said "well ya can't! I'm your little sister! And you would protect me right?" She faked her whining. "No, I wouldn't, even in a million years.." Jenny came into the conversation, Keep quiet!" She said to Mary. "Yea!"

"That goes to you too young man! It's almost the end of the month so better get packed! After that, I'll tell your dad you can use his truck.."

June 10 1985

Irene came out her front door, she had a backpack filled with her clothes and headphones, she had some music disc's that were all rock music she could play at the camp. Molly waited for her, she had her stuff already in the shiny red truck.

Irene's POV

I got in the backseat of the truck, putting stuff down on the seat and took out my retro water bottle and drank from it, and put it back. Samuel started up the car with the keys, I let the window roll down so I can feel the beautiful summer breeze.

It was a warm feeling, he drove off with my parents waving goodbye, I waved back. "Welp we have fucking miles to go!" I looked out the window, having my hand out from the truck window. Molly and Samuel kept talking and blabbering that it became a blur.  I continued to look at the beautiful scenery.

No body's POV

Samuel stopped the car and got out, he opened the red trunk, getting out his stuff. Irene grabbed her backpack and out it on her back, Molly had her stuff with her already, she got out and closed the car door.  She saw a few other people drive in. Irene sighed. "We're not alone.." The group of teens got out of the car, they seemed to to a friend group. The random girl said "oh! You guys must be the other counselors, anyways I guess we can greet each other, first of all, I'm Lucy!" She wore a pastel pink and blue sweater, followed with jeans and black sneakers, she had dark brown eyes and black hair. She seemed haply like Molly, and they had very similarities.

"I'm Trish!" She wore a pink crop top and jean shorts, they had deep blue eyes, their look was sophisticated.  She had blonde long hair."Im Trisha!" The girl wore the same thing as Trish, only it was a baby blue crop top, she also had deep blue eyes and a sophisticated look."are you guys twins?"

"Yes we are!" Trish exclaimed, they had light voices."I'm Nick.." The guy had brown messy hair, green eyes, and was very handsome..he wore a blue varsity jacket. A white shirt with some dark blue jeans. He wore blue and white sneakers. Another car pulled up and got out, only having two people. Irene looked the other way seeing a sign Camp Lakewood Est.1969  the kids then got out. The both seemed to be siblings. "Hello! I'm Heather!" She said, the girl had wavy short red hair, she had brown eyes and wore a  orange and red striped shirt. "Im Maxwell.." he said, he seemed a bit shy and timid. He was also a red hair but had blue eyes, he had black pants and a lime green t-shirt.

Sorry for the long chapter! Comment down issues or typos in the story! I'll gladly fix them!

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