The Matchmaker

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A few minutes passed by, Maxwell sat on the couch and sighed. Lucy came down, "Hey, I heard that Heather said you think Trish likes you..I'll help you!"

"Why does she have to tell everyone!? But fine, sure.."  Heather walked up and giggled, Maxwell glared at her. "Your so lucky.."
"Well I had to tell someone!" Irene came in. "Sorry that I overheard, but this guy needs a fucking you even have deodorant?"

Maxwell stuttered."n-no..I mean yes!!" Irene said"hes definitely fucking lying.." Lucy said "well uhm, maybe Irene can go and do a ma-"

"Hell no! All I said was that I overheard-" Lucy said "well you overheard, which means your in on this..sooo.."

"Fine!" Irene exclaimed, "Cmon.." She and Maxwell went upstairs.  "So, first of all..that plattered collared shirt won't do it.."  She handed him a black leather jacket. "There, try it on.." Maxwell sighed, "you really think I would wear this?"

"Shut up! I stole this from my older brother, be grateful that I even have a piece of male clothes!" He said "okay, fine.." Irene replied "all I really have is baggy keep those blue pants, okay?"

Maxwell nodded his head in agreement. "Ugh! I don't know why it feels so hot in this jacket..!" Maxwell. "I don't fucking know either, but uh..your hair..why is it so messy?"

"Because I like it!" Irene  mocked him."Your really hard to work with..I'm done.." She walked out the room. "But I need help!"

"Go find some other help dweeb!"

He took off the jacket. "Maybe I'll just tell her..maybe we can throw a big party here.."

Off with Molly, She was talking with a kid. "So, I see you have problem getting along with the other kids.."

"Well! He took my stuff! EVERYONE DOESN'T LIKE ME!" He screamed.

"Calm down, what are some problems you face at home? And maybe I can help you improve!" The child said "I'm mostly mistreated and my mom is trying to get me here so I can finally communicate with the kids.."

"Maybe I can help you with communication? And maybe lower your temper.."

After, the teens threw a party outside the lodge and inside the lodge. Maxwell and Trish walked deep into the woods. Night fell upon them as the leaves shaked in the foggy and hard blowing wind, seemingly to be in a dance. "Trish, I-I like you.."

"I'm sorry, your just not my type..I'm sorry if I hurt you!" Maxwell stuttered. "I-Its alright.." Trish walked off. While he walked deeper into the woods. "I'm not really hee type, it seems like everyone ignores me.."  He sighed, Soon enough a knife was plunged into his chest. "AGH SHIT! NO!" He fell to the ground. They took out the knife.

In the lodge, with Trisha and Richard, they were about to have some "fun" in the lodge. Richard said "I'll be waiting.." Trish had went downstairs, she went into the bathroom. She combed her hair. Until someone grabbed her by the hair."Richard! Is that you?" She looked in the mirror and it was not him, they quickly shoved her head into the mirror, breaking it.

They grabbed a shard and continued to stab her with it. She screamed in horror and pain, blood gushed out quickly. Richard yelled "Babe! You there?" He went downstairs and into the bathroom, she saw her dead..her head was still bleeding, it dropped down like a shower..constantly dropping, plopping down on the floor. Her throat, slit, blood gushed out, making it more of a mess." BABY NO!" He turned around.

"YOU WONT GET ME!" He punched then senseless.  They managed to grab them by the throat. He tried to fight, but he couldn't. " can't breathe.." The boy turned pale, very pale.

They let go of the boy..throwing them against the wall. At the party outside at the campfire. They played music and dranked. "Truth or Dare!" Heather said. "Uhm, Truth?" Lucy said. 

Meanwhile, Molly and Irene were by the lake with Trish, Trish swimmed in the water with her swimsuit. Irene said "Ugh! Something just seems off to me!" Molly sighed . "I agree..Samuel said to meet me here.." Irene left, Trish got out of the water.  Samuel came, "so Molly, I have something to say..We have been friends forever..and I want to be more than that.."

"Heh! All of this is so sudden! This could never happen to me!"

"It did.." he kissed her. "Will you accept?" She said "Oh sure!"

The cute moments didn't last forever, they stabbed Samuel. "Go, run.." Molly screamed for help.

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