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"Yes, I am Phayu and who are you?" Rain's face fell. "I meant," P'Phayu said with a smile, "what is your name? The night I changed you tire we didn't have time for introductions."

Rain visibly brightened. "Oh, Phi, of course. My name is Rain." He lifted his hands in a respectful wai.

"Rain, I need to greet my seniors but I would like to talk to you afterwards. Can you wait a few minutes?"

"Oh, I was about to leave."

"Please? I promise I will make it quick." Rain nodded not able to speak. When P'Phayu said please in that tone of voice it took Rain's breath away. Rain watched as P'Phayu made his way across the room greeting a few people. He went to a table of seniors, spoke with them briefly, then made his way back to Rain as promised.

"Do you want to go somewhere else to talk? You seem a little nervous." P'Phayu asked.

Rain nodded. "I don't like crowds," he admitted.

There was a small covered walkway just outside the restaurant, P'Phayu led Rain there. "Rain, I have been discussing with the university about taking on a code line mentorship this year as an new program we are trying out. Would you be interested?"

"What would I have to do?"

"Not much, just hang out at my family's garage after school and on the weekends so I can help you with work and maybe a study schedule."

"Won't it be a lot of trouble for you?"

"Not at all, I have been unofficially mentoring my juniors anyway. This will just be more official. Here let me give you the address. Also I think we should exchange contact information."

"Oh, okay." Rain said a little dazed but he handed over his phone for P'Phayu to put in his information. After all he could use the help.

Phayu watched Rain closely to see if the boy seemed suspicious at all. He hated lying to Rain but what was he supposed to say? "Rain you are in danger, I want you where I can keep an eye on you." Sure he could tell him that right after "Rain, I have been dreaming about you since I was five years old." Followed of course by, "I really like you, Rain."

Besides the mentorship was true enough. Phayu had gone to the Dean of architecture and offered to mentor one student of his choice. Of course he had only done that to give his story credibility but the Dean had been thrilled at the idea so it had worked out in Phayu's favor.

Phayu had been looking for Rain for what felt like most of his life. He learned pretty quickly not to speak about his search to his parents because they worried that he was mistaking dreams for reality. He had no way to convince them that he knew they weren't just dreams but memories. Only his brother Saifah and later his best friend Pai knew about his secret search.

After so many years, Phayu had begun to feel like he might not ever find Rain. Then he had come across him almost by chance when he stopped to help a stanger with car trouble. He almost grabbed Rain in a hug and never let go that very night, but it was obvious that Rain didn't have his memories. He hadn't recognized Phayu.

He had discreetly followed Rain home that night, he couldn't lose contact again, but he hadn't known that Rain was his junior until the seniors sent his picture in group chat. That's when he came up with the mentor idea.

Phayu thought (hoped) Rain would be safe enough at home and school, at the garage Saifah could help keep an eye on him, when Phayu had to work. Even Pai could help occasionally although he was pretty busy working in his father's company these days.

Phayu also planned on talking Rain into letting him take a look at his car. He hadn't liked the looks of those other tires the night he had changed the one. If the tires hadn't been maintained then Phayu doubted the rest of the car was in much better shape. He didn't want to risk Rain breaking down some where when Phayu wasn't there to rescue him.

After Rain left, Phayu sent a message to Saifah and Pai. Operation Rain fall was in progress. (The three of them had been video game playing teenagers when they had come up with the name but it fit.)

Phayu isn't surprised when he had a Rain dream that night. At least it's not the bad one that makes Phayu wake up in a cold sweat with the sound of Rain's scream still echoing in his ears. This is a good one, in fact one of his favorites. It the one about how he met a cute boy on a summer day.

Phayu was going to kill Saifah and Pai when he caught up to then. It wasn't unusual for the three young men to play practical jokes on each other but this time they had gone too far. They had taken his horse and left him stranded, in the middle of nowhere, WITHOUT SHOES! Phayu supposed he was lucky they didn't take his clothes as well.

He was about half way home when he came across the boy sleeping under a tree. He was the most beautiful sight Phayu had ever seen. Delicate features with lips that seemed to pout even in his sleep. Phayu stood there in amazement studying the boy. He was probably around 18 or 19 with long black hair tied in the back. His clothes were of good quality but not of the silks that they used in court. Probably a rich merchant's son.

The boy stretched and opened his eyes slowly as if he wasn't quite ready to wake up. Phayu raised an eyebrow waiting for the boy to come fully awake.

It took a minute for the boy to finally realize he wasn't alone anymore. He came to his feet quickly, blushing. It was obvious from Phayu's clothes that he was a nobleman. The boy blinked at him in surprise looking slightly guilty.

"Should you be sleeping here?" Phayu asks guessing the cause of the guilty expression.

"No, sir. I should be studying. I am supposed to memorize three passages to recite to my father at dinner time." So his father pushed the boy to study, Phayu approved of education and hard work.

"So why were you sleeping?"

"Because it's soooo boring trying to learn by myself. Usually my friend Sky helps me study but he is home sick today."

Phayu couldn't help but laugh. "What's your name?"

"Rain, sir."

"Well, Rain if you will walk with me and keep me company, I will help you learn your passages." Rain nodded eagerly at that and gave Phayu a toothy smile.

They walked for a little while in silence before Rain said, "May I ask something?"

"Go ahead." Phayu said.

"Why are you barefooted?" Rain asked with a grin.

"Because my brother and my best friend took my shoes. Since I was bathing at the time you are lucky I am not naked as well." Rain blushed deep red at that but Phayu is pretty sure he gave his body a sidelong glance as well, as if he was wondering what that would look like.

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