Something to Prove

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*Soft core smut alert. Soft core because I suck at writing explicit.*

Rain felt a little like a plant that was missing the sun, it had only been two days without P'Phayu but it felt like forever.

He was extremely busy with school and his final project so that did help distract him, but always in the back of his mind was the longing, the desire to see P'Phayu's face if only for a minute.

The time was a blur of busy days, too many all nighters spent either in Sky's dorm or the faculty workroom, studying and working on his model for the last project.

Rain was quite proud of his design for his model. The assignment had simply been to design a creative model show casing both architectural design and landscaping. Rain however had read a article that captured his attention about an American Cohousing community (private houses deliberately grouped around a central shared community space). He decided to make that the central idea of his project. He decided to call his project cohusing for future, a play on the name. He was very proud of his fully colorized presentation boards with pictures and his intricate model both above and beyond what the professors had assigned them.

He even managed to finish a full two days before the project was due. A miracle in his eyes. He had worked through the night wrapping up his model and should have gone to sleep but his promise to go see P'Phayu after he finished his project was running through his mind. He wanted nothing more than to see the man right now.

It was Saturday so he went to the garage expecting to find P'Phayu working there. He had barely gotten out of his car, asking himself why he wasn't using this time to sleep, when P'Fah called to him.

"Oh, Rainy boy, here to see Phayu?" Rain nodded. "Since you are here I will take you to a good place." P'Fah grabbed his wrist and led him over to his car.

They stopped at a race track where P'Fah led him to an on-site garage. P'Phayu was there working on a bike. When he looked up and saw Rain he came over and asked if Rain was through with his work.

It was P'Fah who answered,  "Just admit it, you are happy to see him. You have been moping around for the last two weeks."

P'Phayu gave a little glare and said, "You, are you done with your work."

P'Fah laughed and put a hand on Rain's shoulder , "A boss like me can have someone else do it. Today I am going to teach Rain to ride a motorcycle. Just call me teacher Saifah."

If looks could kill, P'Fah would have dropped where he stood. P'Phayu lifted his twin's hand off Rain's shoulder pulled Rain to his side. "You go finish your work, leave the boy to me." He said fiercely.

"Oh, such a stingy dog ," P'Fah said with a laugh as P'Phayu pulled Rain into the garage.

"I finished my assignments, Phi." Rain said proudly.
P'Phayu studied his face. "Have you gotten any sleep?"

"A little," Rain lied but P'Phayu wasn't fooled.

"I will wrap up my work here quickly, then we can go for dinner to celebrate you finishing." P'Phayu stepped closer and gently kissed Rain then said, "I will get someone to make you up a bed to take a nap while you wait."

Rain waited nervously to present his project. He was right after Sky. He jumped to his his feet when he saw Sky leaving the room. There was no time to talk as Rain would only have a few minutes to set up his presentation boards and model, but Sky mouthed "fighting" along with a fist pump as he went past.

Now Rain stood in front of the professors desperately trying to remember his presentation. He took a deep breath and thought of P'Phayu and making him proud. That seemed to unlock his brain and he was able to confidently launch into his project details.

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