Rescuing Rain

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Phayu pauses in his work and frowns at his phone when he realizes he hasn't heard the text notification go off. Since Phayu is busy Rain doesn't often call unless it's something important, but he constantly sends Phayu texts. Pictures of the food Rain has picked up for them at the market near the house, selfies of Rain reading the books Phayu has recommended him, asking for praise, sometimes just cute stickers.

Looking at his phone his heart stops when he realizes that Rain hasn't even read the text Phayu sent earlier. Rain always reads and responds to texts quickly.

Phayu tries to call Rain several times but every call goes straight to voicemail. He grabs his bag and sends a text to Pai and Saifah to meet him at the house. Despite everything he did to keep Rain safe something has obviously gone wrong.

Phayu races home getting there at almost the same time as Saifah and Pai. The first thing to catch Phayu's eyes are the busted food bags. They look like the ones that Rain gets from his favorite market stall. He races into the house, searching every corner while trying to call Rain. He knows Rain isn't here, he can practically feel his absence, but he has to do something or go crazy.

Were they watching the house? The garage? In hindsight that seems likely. Why hadn't he considered the possibility? They were probably watching the house right now to see what Phayu would do next. As if in answer to that thought, his phone rings. He looks at the display, 'Rain'.

He answers quickly, "Rain where are you?"

"P'Phayu help," comes his sweet boy's panicked response freezing Phayu to the bone.

There is a muffled noise and a new voice comes on the phone, "Do you you remember me?"


"Good, I am glad you remembered my voice."

"Let my boyfriend go if you don't want to die." Phayu knows that it's an empty threat. As long as Stop has Rain he holds all the cards. Well except one, unlike in the past Phayu might have one ace up his sleeve. He signals to Saifah and Pai to come close but stay out of sight of the windows while Stop is giving him instructions.

Stop's instructions are nothing that Phayu doesn't expect, he has to come alone, he can't call the police, he has 30 minutes, Stop will text him the location. If Phayu doesn't do as Stop says he will cut Rain's face.

As soon as he receives the text he forwards it to Saifah with one quick word "Chai" then motions for the two to follow him outside. It's time for them to play a part. They always knew this day could come and they have been prepared just in case. Right down to the script.

Saifah: "Calm down."
Phayu, "how can I calm down, don't you see Rain's fallen into their hands."
Pai: "But you know it's a trap."
Phayu: "I know it's a trap. Rain is in this mess because of me. I have to get him back. Just stay here, I won't waste any more time."
Phayu: "Don't worry he has no guts to kill me."

Now Phayu hoped two things, one that that final line is true and two that he can buy enough time for Saifah and Pai to do their part.

Phayu's heart beats fast with a mixture of fury and fear as he runs into the abandoned building. He couldn't believe this was happening again, almost exactly as he had dreamed. The only thing that was different was the modern day setting.

Stop and his men were waiting in the back room of the building. Rain in the midst of them tied to a chair with a gag in his mouth. To Phayu's horror he saw one of the men had a box cutter pointed at Rain's face.

Phayu can see bruises starting to form on Rain's cheek and a little crust of blood at the corner of his mouth. It's obvious that Stop or one of his men slapped Rain. Phayu wants to kill them for that alone.

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