The talk

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What? you admire me? but I'm a hero and your- a villain yea I know Tomura interrupted. Why?


 Really eraser?! Why! God how Nieve can you be. It's not the hard to comprehend. Look at what a villain does. Look closely. Tomura shouted. Well for 1 you kill people- not that part the other part! well, I can tell you don't like hero society and you want to change it. finally took you long enough. I still don't get it Tho why do you admire me? out of all people. Ugh I'll put it into simple words for you. you don't care about wealth or ranks. the one thing we expect in hero society but don't really get. Take endeavor for example he wanted to be number 1 sense he became a hero even letting it hurt the people that cared about him Hes not a good guy. Buuuuuut you are eraser that's what I admire and like so much about you. now for the photos that I don't have a logical explanation for but let's just say I like you ~eraser~.  -confused eraser loosens his scarf. accidentally letting Tomura escape. - fuck muttered eraser as he chased Shigaraki from building to building. wow eraser you really are so cool and to think you chasing me was only a dream! stfu Shigaraki this is not the time! - Tomura corner to a dead end as eraserhead slowly crept up to him activating his quirk. 

Damn eraser you really are hot how about this, you let me go and I take you on a date.  it's a win win for me. listen Shigaraki I'm not falling for your tricks I have to take you in. yeah and I take you out, simple as that. no Shigaraki. pleaseeeee eraser this is the only thing I want I won't bother you or your kids anymoreeee. And how do I know you're not lying, Shigaraki? well fine I guess you don't but heres my number I have somewhere to be. - he drops a piece of paper on the ground as Kurogiri's portal opens up behind him. eraserhead charged at him as he walked through the portal as it closed shortly after. - Fuck. eraserhead turned to leave as he picked up the piece of paper on the ground heading back to UA in a rush to explain to Nezu what happened. and why he was out longer than usual. -

 -Aizawa returned to UA shortly after with the paper in hand, straight to Nezu's office. - Aizawa you've returned, 15 minutes late what happened your always on time! nezu exclaimed in a up pitch voice. Sorry sir I had a run in with a villain. Oh, what villain and where are they! well sir the villain escaped, and it was Tomura Shigaraki the one from-. The one from the USJ attack I remember him he really did some damage to you what did he wants? nezu said interrupting. well sir Aizawa explained in an embarrassed tone, he wanted to uh well he wanted to take me on a date... sir. well, what did you say? sir of course I said no. well Aizawa did he give you a way to contact him? yes sir he gave me his phone number. Well then call him and tell him you reconsidered! Sir! with all due respect why would I do that he's a villain I have no reason to contact him. well, Aizawa we can get information if he truly wants to take you out, we can use the opportunity to get info on the league and who knows maybe we can take them down from the inside. now go call him and let me know what he says. yes sir. - Aizawa left the room with a disappointed tone off to his dorm to call Tomura. -

Damn it Shigaraki you almost got caught! I'm aware thank you Dabi. Sir I'm going to have to forbid you from seeing eraser anymore. yes, mama I understand now can I go to my room. Tomura said firmly catching them off-guard -Tomura walked into his room slamming the door behind him. he sat of his bed awaiting erasers call. after 5 minutes of waiting, he felt defeated slamming himself into his bed.  damn it Tomura OfCourse, he won't call you that was so sudden I should have waited but I couldn't wait any longer I needed to tell him but how will he take it? ugh he probably hates me more then he already did but damn was he hot even with the scar under his eye it just made him look better.

as he moped on his bed the unthinkable happed his phone started to ring yes, it's happening, he answers hello, he said excitedly - hello we would like to call you about your cars extended warranty- Tomura angerly hung up the phone almost disintegrating it right then and their. DAMN IT she shouted. I'm so stupid why would i think he would call me fuck this. he threw is phone on the bed as he started to walk down to the bar but then out of no were as he opened he door - ring-ring-ring- YES, he slammed the door and ran across his room picking it up, answering. Hello he said anxiously into the phone.

Oh god I can't believe I'm doing this. - he typed in 843-572-3303(this is not a real number). and hesitantly pressed dial. it rang once twice and straight away you could hear a raspy voice say hello. he answered hello Shigaraki. 


wow eraser I didn't expect to call me!

come one now we both know that's a lie you were probably sitting in your room waiting for this call.

wow eraser that's very bold of you to assume, now why did you call have you reconsidered my offer.

yes, I have I will go on a date with you, but you have to promise me something.

yes, eraser anything for you!

Uh he sighed no more attacking my kids and no funny business got it!

yes, OfCourse eraser you have a deal oh I can't want I'll me you at the same roof you always start your patrol on I'll see you then ~eraser~

umm yea sure but how do you know where I start my patrol and where are we going?

well eraser you can choose and let's just say that wasn't the first time I watched you patrol Hehe he giggled as he hung up the phone.

well, that was an interesting conversation. Lookes like I have to find somewhere to take a villain non the less on a date. great. - he decided to go check on his students as he opened the door his student Mina Ashido fell into his dorm along with denki Kaminari. What are you two doing at the door of my dorm and what's your excuse. " Forget about that Mr. Aizawa you have a date, YOU OUT OF ALL PEOPLE, you need to find a place to take this person!" yea mister Aizawa I agree with mina where are you going to take her tell us tell us tell us! well first off, it's he not she, two I'm not sure and three extra training tomorrow both of you. "Whatever Mr. Aizawa we have to help get ready tomorrow why don't you take him to a boba shop everyone loves boba." wait MR AIZAWA YOUR GAY!?  yes, denki I am now do me a favor and get away from my door and go back to your dorms. 

YES YES YES  HE SAID! - toga busted into the room- YOU HAVE A DATE SHIGGY!?- wait a minute are those pictures of ERASERHEAD! SHIGGY! shhh keep it down toga and get out of my room! whatever I'll ignore that, also shiggy who's your date? when are you going? where are you going? and most importantly what are you wearing!? Toga gets out! not until you tell me everything! fine I'm going with "eraserhead" he whispered under his breath. IDK where were going were meeting each other tomorrow at 6 and I was just going to wear my hoodie. wait who- doesn't matter no no shiggy you can't just wear that come with me were going shopping! - she pulled Tomura by the wrist down the stairs and into the bar. "Alright guys, shiggy has a date and we need to get him clothes. let's go to the mall!

convenience to loversOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora