the uncomfortable talk

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yea he really cares about you Aizawa you should be nicer to your kids. I have to go Tho see you tomorrow don't be late this time ~Aizawa~


hey Dabi, aren't you mad at shiggy for not giving us the juicy details about his date tonight! not really, I could care less plus I think I still have frost bite. I think we should get back at him! why? I wanted to know details Dabi and the first thing he did was go to his room he didn't say anything! again I don't really care. You know what your no help I'm just going to spy on him tomorrow it's the perfect plan then I can get all the details. do what you want I'm going to get a drink. finee.


hey Kurogiri, don't you think you should tell boss about... you know fucking? Dabi I'm not having this conversation with you. then don't have it with the boss. no Dabi. oh, come on Hes a 21-year-old man child that has had no education or even touched anyone is his entire life. mans a mega virgin. why would I need to tell him about that? Seriously Hes dating a man now their most likely going to fuck soon you don't want the boss to be that clueless do you- DABI! I apologize that was quite loud but still don't even make me think about that. but I guess he is getting a little older and I can't protect him forever. see you got this I'll go get him! wait not now! too late already going. oh god this is why I drink.

huh guess Aizawa does enjoy this oh I really am in heaven. -30 minutes later- BOSSS Dabi shouted barging into Tomura's room. SHIT GET OUT DABI. not this is important- holy shit is that ERASER! NO NOW GET OUT. BAHAABAHBABAHAB THATS FUCK GREAT OMG. STOP LAUGHING AT ME AND GET OUT. oh, Jesus wooh that's golden ok but seriously Kurogiri needs to talk to you fan boy. fuck you don't call me that what does he need. Hes having the talk with you. now come on this is gonna be funny as fuck. whatever I'm going to kill you in your sleep. sure, you do that but actually come-on fan boy. fuck you I'm coming.


well shit. now my student has contact with a villain not just any villain but the one I'm going out with great. but on another note, that was kind of hot his voice is very stern. I like it. but I need to forget that, were Midoriya- I'm right here sir. JESUS- kid you can't just spy on me through my window when I'm talking to myself or ever for that matter. sorry but i just had a hunch you were coming to yell at me. kid get inside are you trying to die. maybe? problem child. fine I'm coming in. now why were you playing video games with Tomura. well, I- hold on did you just call him Tomura! no I didn't. omg you totally did aww Mr. Aizawa in Lovee! house arrest for an extra 3 days. now explain yourself. fine I didn't know it was him happy plus he likes video games thats just a head up for the future mr aizawa. now to the important stuff how did you date go Mr. Aizawa? what do you like about Shigaraki? why date him? are you going on a second date? can I know the details- shut the fuck up kid. pleassse i just want to know. you are my favorite teacher. i thought all might your favorite. nahh he tried to bang my mom. speaking of that. are you going to fuck shigarak- before he could finish Aizawa slammed his hand over his mouth. don't finish that sentence. get out now. fine I'm sorry it's just the league is talking about it so I wanted to know I can have drama in my life with you making me take down my cameras! shut the fuck up and get out or more house arrest for you. oh, come on I'm just warning you Shigaraki doesn't know what that means I just want my dramaaaaa! out. fine good night Mr. Aizawa. yea whatever.

-after Midoriya left-

I hate children. especially that one. but was he serious? is Tomura that innocent? well, I guess that explains that. whatever I don't really care that just makes this whole situation more ~interesting. ~

hehehe my drama, yea I'm not taking down those cameras maybe I should got watch tomorrow in person yea i'll bring so popcorn this will be fun.

-Lov base-

alright Tomura welcome down umm. "Oh god". hey Dabi, sad you needed me. oh, uh yea. Tomura sir I thinks it's time we have a talk about umm well. well? spit it out. he wants to talk to you about fucking people! Dabi shouted from across the room. about what? I'm confused? oh god this is going to be a really long night. Take a seat. well, Tomura you see when a girl and a guy love each other very much- HES GAY toga shouted from upstairs. oh, right sorry let me start that again.

-after that painful conversation-

omg that's what Dabi was talking about. oh, I'm going to be sick that's so nasty! wait a minute Aizawa's student said all might and his mom- OH GOD I JUST GOT MENTAL PICTURE! I'm sorry Tomura but you needed to know this stuff. nonono I'm not doing this I'm going to go for a walk fuck all of you.

Jesus that was terrible that's how people have kids?! nonono good thing I'm gay never dealing with that. oh, great now it's raining. i guess i should be getting back now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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