he knows

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damn it I let my feelings get the best of me I have to get back it is getting late. he grabbed his stuff and jumped down the roof on his way back to UA.


- arriving at UA -

Aizawa your back that's great! what information did you get? not much sir I did find out that his real name is not Tomura Shigaraki that's really all he told me. Oh well that's interesting let's do this again try and get more info next time, got it Aizawa! uh yes sir. Aizawa walked back to his dorm trying to go grade papers but was stopped on the way by his two best friends Nemuri Kayama, and Hizashi Yamada. yo yo yo! how's it going shotaaaaa!! fine I'm just tired. your always tired Shota besides were where you? your students said you were on a date. A DATE!? MY BUDDY FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE IM SO PROUD! SOOO WHOS THE LUCKY GUY WE ALLL KNOW YOUR NOT STRAIGHT COMEON TELL ME THE DETAILS! quiet Yamada you're too loud. come on shota who it is? were your friends you can tell us! that's my business not yours now let me go back to my dorm in peace please, my stupid kids are probably killing mineta by now as much as I want to see that i have to grade papers, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. see you later shota!

dang it now my head hurts I was just having a good day too. time to go not sleep great. as Aizawa walked into the dorm building there was a Suprise waiting for him. MR AIZAWA YOUR BACK! class 1a shouted as they jumped up from behind the sofas. oh, hello why Arnt you in bed its 8:30. well sir the only one in bed is kacchan we wanted to ask you how your date went. I see, thank you Midoriya but you guys need to go to bed you have training tomorrow my date went fine but that's not your business now please go to bed I'm tired as it is goodnight problem children. as everyone left the room upset, they didn't get any details. wait Mr. Aizawa, I hate to take up your time but i need your help. fine Midoriya let me put this stuff down ill meet you at your dorm. thank you, sir!

after Aizawa put his stuff down he made it to Midoriya's dorm and opened the door. thanks for the help, sir. no problem, problem child what do you need help with. well sir usually kacchan would help me but Hes asleep and i need to put this scar ointment on my shoulders but I can really get the back of them could you help me with that? sure, kid I don't have much to do tonight anyway. as Aizawa helped Midoriya spread the stuff on his shoulder he popped out the hard-hitting question. so Mr. Aizawa how was your date with Shigaraki. Aizawa almost fell out of his chair. how did you- well Mr. Aizawa it was kind obvious I mean first he compliments you at the USJ then you go on patrol then you have a date it just wasn't adding up. now you might find this creep but i like to watch you patrol sometime to see more about your fighting styles, so I used personal cameras I've set up around the city to not just watch you fight but other hero's.

so, I went back and checked them and found you conversation with him. the fact you said no surprised me Tho because if you didn't know Hes been watching you for years I went back and watched old interviews with you, and he was always their watching. I don't really care Tho I won't tell anyone Mr. Aizawa that's your business and i don't care as long as he makes you happy. so, you have fun tomorrow and thanks again for helping me. well problem child that's fucking creepy please stop doing that. thank you for keeping this a secret but I have one question. what is it sir? how did you know I had another date tomorrow? I may or may not have watched your date. WHAT! I'm sorry I ran out of this to write about all might on my blog and got bored and after finding out you were on a date with Shigaraki i wanted to watch you can't blame me!

problem child your fucking creepy house arrest for the next two days and you have to help Ashido clean the bathrooms! yes sir. tomorrow you go out and take down those cameras. I don't need you watching me 24/7 now go to bed problem child. yes, Mr. Aizawa thanks again for the help. yea whatever.

SHIGGY you back! how was it?! it was great actually- what happened to Dabi? Hes still cold from the snow. he- hey boss how was the date. it was good are you ok? woah woah woah! stop it right their Mr. what? you just asked if Dabi was ok you never care about our wellbeing! what did eraser do to you! your soft now! I'm not soft shut the fuck up I'm going to my room. hello Tomura, did you enjoy yourself I'm glad you came back unharmed. yes, mama it was great now please I'm going to my room to sleep see you all tomorrow. OfCourse Tomura goodnight. 

Tomura walked up to his room. as he shut the door, he went straight to his computer to go play Minecraft with one of his online friends. "eraserheadfan1 is online." "allmightfan13" is online. hey kid how you doing. I'm good but i need to speak with you Tomura Shigaraki. wait how do you know my name! nothing really listens it's me Midoriya Izuku Mr. Aizawa student I want to talk to you about the relationship with my teacher. how did you know about that. yea Mr. Aizawa asked me the same question let's just say I did some snooping. you were spying on us. of course, I was I have cameras everywhere now you can date Mr. Aizawa but if you hurt him, I will find you myself your got that! listen kid I'm not gonna hurt him I promise but unrelated question can I have the link to those cameras. your creepy man but I'm serious hurt Mr. Aizawa I kill redeyes (shiggys Minecraft dog) let's not get to hasty kid I won't hurt him promise. good now let's see I have drama. oh, spill, ok so is there a way you could get rid of all might faster. wait why? he keeps trying to fuck my mom!

what does that mean? Dabi said the same thing about me and eraser (foreshadowing😏) and I'm not sure what it means. omg I'm gonna puke that's so nasty! what I don't get it. just ask someone else I'm not answering that I have to go now please don't ever say that again. yea whatever ""allmightfan13 left the chat" alright guess I'll go to bed. "Ring ring" oh Aizawa's calling thats good!

dammit problem child knows, that's not good I should probably tell Tomura just in case maybe not nezu Tho I don't need him getting mad at me. Aizawa calls Tomura.

why hello Aizawa

yea Tomura we have an issue.

oh, what is it don't tell me your canceling tomorrow?

no no that's not it.

then what is it?

problem child found out about us.

oh, Aizawa I'm flattered were an us now but who is problem child?


oh, yea I know, he was just threatening me. 

wait what? he was threatening you? how did he even get contact with you?

yeaaa about that we have a Minecraft server together although I just found out it was him.

well, that's interesting.

 yea he really cares about you Aizawa you should be nicer to your kids. i have to go Tho see you tomorrow don't be late this time ~Aizawa~

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